The Illogicopedian Zombie Plan

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The Illogicopedian Zombie Plan (a.k.a. The Fool-Proof Illogicopedian Plan In Case Of Extended Zombie-Related Apocalypse) is a proposal for how to deal with how an extended zombie apocalypse may affect the life of the web site.


  1. Immediately make a backup of the database, in case the hard drives are eaten by the zombies.
  2. Carefully monitor the wiki for signs that zombies may be invading. These may include articles that stop in mid sentence and repeat the word "brains" over and over. Note: Should you find yourself saying "brains" over and over, drooling, and seeing your flesh rot, please stab yourself in the head with a wooden stake.
  3. Lock Yourself Inside A Mall because we all know how well that works.
  4. Kidnap Max Brooks because he will know what to do.

If we follow these steps, we should be able to survive any—wait, what's that? How did they get in here!? NOOOOOOO—

Brains brains brain brains brains brains brains brain brains brains brains brains brain brains brains brains brains brain brains brains brains brains brain brains brains brains brains brain brains brains brains brains brain brains brains brains BRAINS!

See Also