The Space Time Continuyum

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The Space Time Continuyum" is a parallel universe to ours made completely out of edible and delicious foods. Some of the names in our universe were based off this parallel universe. Such as: the Milky Way galaxy. Made out of the delicious Milky Way candy. Also, the planet Mercury, made out of the delicious sauce that came out of my thermometer.

In this universe everything in the planet earth is made out of candy... Yes... Even the people. I don't know what race tastes the best, but my moneys on - RACIST JOKE - You know what I'm talkin' about!

Instead of gravity being a large force on objects, it is actually licorice, stretching out and pulling objects together.

Instead of Christianity being the major religion in the world it is instead, "Wonkaism". Where the people worship Willy Wonka and his domain in the after life "Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory". If anyone wants to add to this article fine, I'm out of ideas. :P