The Whole Truth has Changed the Shape of its Mouth
It looked like the neanderthal was inside my nose, because my reflection's face was on the subway window and the neanderthal was outside. I literally (LITERALLY! This is the absolute truth) saw a Neanderthal on the New York subway this morning.
He had been doing cave paintings on the side of the subway tunnel, then he started chasing the subway with a spear. I think he thought it was an animal, and he presumably wanted to kill it and skin it. He was a caveman, a subspecies of human that was previously thought to be extinct, yet here he was in the present. Perhaps the wind of the subway had created some sort of time...thing. He chased the subway with a spear. He was naked.
A relic of the past when the truth had his own mouth.
The truth has now (The WHOlE truth) has now, the truth...has now..
used crayons and writing utensils to make his mouth look different, so the words will come out in a way that will make him greater and more difficult to pronounce.
The whole truth and nothing but the truth. If you said that to the neanderthal, he would scream. If you said that to your reflection, you'd wish you had a different mouth too. IF you said that to the window of a subway, it would charge in to the wild. If you said that in prison.