The Wonderful Adventures of T3canolis and Ginonater Texting

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The following is a text message conversation between T3canolis and Ginonater. Some parts have been cut out and there are one or two inside jokes. Yeah.

T3canolis: what'cha doin'?
Ginonater: idk xbox. U?
T3canolis: Sick-logicopedia A.K.A "ill-logicopedia"
Ginonater: Hahahaia good one
T3canolis: i try
T3canolis: dang no one's editing
Ginonater: That blows... Weiner
T3canolis: yea. i hate being the only one on.
Ginonater: Even british peeps?
T3canolis: in england its like 3 am so no; they're not on
Ginonater: ... Rats...
T3canolis: Meh, when I go on when no one else is I just keep refreshing recent changes. Boring.
Ginonater: Hahahaha make babies?
T3canolis: Are you high?
Ginonater: ... Low
T3canolis: ah. makes sense. i like how you don't call me out for obviously trying to imply that I want you to go on ?pedia.
Ginonater: ... You wanna call me? I'll call you.
T3canolis: why would i want you to call me?
Ginonater: . Why not?
T3canolis: cool.
Ginonater: You wanna see me? I'll be there soon.
T3canolis: What the...? nevermind
Ginonater: Sorry, cab driver kicked me out cuz im "intoxicated"? Whats that mean?
T3canolis: It means- uh- you have- um- too much beer in your system.
Ginonater: ... Beer? Cuz all i had were cold sodas with guy named sam
T3canolis: Oh dear ... Did the soda taste funny?
Ginonater: Soda? All i had was beer.
T3canolis: haha. have you taken too much cold medication?
Ginonater: Cold? Im really hot.
T3canolis: oh [ginonater]
Ginonater: Thats not relevant.
T3canolis: [ginonater], you're being far too chatty.
Ginonater: I guess.
T3canolis: lol unscramble this: tge uyro sas no llipicgideoo won
Ginonater: Tge uyro sas no llipicgideoo won
T3canolis: nope
Ginonater: You told me to scramble them.
T3canolis: i meant unscramble
Ginonater: ...Scramble?