The autobiography of a $5 note

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Well, one day I was made in some factory. And I was put it in a bank, someone put me in a wallet, I fell out and landed in the sewers. And I've been there ever since.



Hey, why are you still here? Shoo!


Just go away! The story's finished! It's over!

Wait, what? You're saying you wanted more than that? Seriously? Look, that's my life story, so get used to it - it's all you're getting!


Ok, I lied. There's more to my life than that. But think about it. You actually want a detailed narrative of the life of a FIVE DOLLAR NOTE? Can't you imagine how boring that would be? The life story of a FIVE DOLLAR NOTE. A PINK five dollar note.

I mean, why do I have to be such a lame color?

But you're not getting my autobiography. Now get out of here!


Jesus Christ. You have a nerve, don't you? Rack off!



I'm leaving.

Stuff you.

I might go tease some 5c coins about how worthless they are.

But not as worthless as you, of course.

