The kitten is sitting on my bed

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Darn it. The kitten is sitting on my bed.

He's cute and all, but I told it to not sit there - and it's annoying. Get off!


Darn. He's not getting off. I'll have to take him off.

Aargh! That kitten bit me! Bad kitty!

Aargh! I tried to hit him and he bit me again!

What now?


Ok, I've got a net. This has to work!

Ha! I got you- NO! He's ripped through the net!


Bad kitty!

Aargh! He bit me again! This calls for drastic action!



Yaaaahh! Eat chainsaw, bitch!

Aah, lovely. Now I can lie down in my bed. However, it's covered in blood and bits of kitten. And I think that's an eyeball over there.

Meh. At least I can get some sleep now.