This article is awesome.

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This article has been deemed
Because it's longer enough to curdle cheese.
Oh, and it might have a storyline and be good etc.
See more EPICS


I must make the undeniable statement now, that this article is completely, entirely, totally awesome. I mean, you can tell. Especially because of the epic template, which PROVES that this article is awesome. The total awesomeness of the article is unquestionable.

Oh, really?

Hey! Do not question the sheer greatness of the atricle!

You misspelled article.

Well you can't prove that the article is not awesome.

I just did.

No, you didn't.

Yeah, I did.

No, you didn't.

Yeah, I did.

No, you didn't.

Yeah, I did.

No, you didn't.

Yeah, I did.

No, you didn't.

This article is awesome because it has...

===<css> /*Written by Silent Penguin

*Free to use under CC-BY-NC-SA
*If you need to steal it, god help you.

span.censtext{ text-color:black; background-color:black; padding:1px; } span.censtext:hover, span.censtext:focus{ text-color:black; background-color:white; padding:1px; } </css>Fucking bad words!===

Yeah, the <css> /*Written by Silent Penguin

*Free to use under CC-BY-NC-SA
*If you need to steal it, god help you.

span.censtext{ text-color:black; background-color:black; padding:1px; } span.censtext:hover, span.censtext:focus{ text-color:black; background-color:white; padding:1px; } </css>fucking bad language is what makes this article so <css> /*Written by Silent Penguin

*Free to use under CC-BY-NC-SA
*If you need to steal it, god help you.

span.censtext{ text-color:black; background-color:black; padding:1px; } span.censtext:hover, span.censtext:focus{ text-color:black; background-color:white; padding:1px; } </css>fucking awesome that it <css> /*Written by Silent Penguin

*Free to use under CC-BY-NC-SA
*If you need to steal it, god help you.

span.censtext{ text-color:black; background-color:black; padding:1px; } span.censtext:hover, span.censtext:focus{ text-color:black; background-color:white; padding:1px; } </css>fucking kicks all other articles in the <css> /*Written by Silent Penguin

*Free to use under CC-BY-NC-SA
*If you need to steal it, god help you.

span.censtext{ text-color:black; background-color:black; padding:1px; } span.censtext:hover, span.censtext:focus{ text-color:black; background-color:white; padding:1px; } </css>fucking <css> /*Written by Silent Penguin

*Free to use under CC-BY-NC-SA
*If you need to steal it, god help you.

span.censtext{ text-color:black; background-color:black; padding:1px; } span.censtext:hover, span.censtext:focus{ text-color:black; background-color:white; padding:1px; } </css>ASS!


See all that black stuff? That's so you don't have to see all the bad words and stuff if you don't want to. Which makes this article even more awesome.

An IRC quote!

<SomeWHATno2> hello

You see, IRC makes everything cool, so that awesome quote adds to the coolness of the article.

A link to a really cool site!

Yeah, this links to an awesome site. See how awesome this article is?

Accurate categories!