This article is just a figment of your imagination

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Crunch. Mmm, these almonds are delicious. *Turns around* Oh! I didn't see you! Hello!

What do you want here? Sorry, I should have known that already. You want to read this article, don't you? Yeah, I thought so. Well, I'll just have to say - too bad. You can't Why?

Because this article is just a figment of your imagination. That's right. It doesn't exist. You aren't reading it, because it happens not to be here.

'But it must exist!' you say. You're reading it! You can understand it! That means it must exist! True, I suppose. But it DOESN'T. That's the thing. It DOESN'T.

Oh, so you think it DOES? Well, that's just being stupid. If this article DID exist, it would surely be deleted, seeming how horrible it is.


See, I got you there, didn't I?


Now go away.

I've got some almonds to eat.