This isn't cool, you guys, seriously.

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Guys, here's something for both of you. Make friends, Subbuteo and Super Japan. You can't fight forever. Remember before the kitten explosives? Everyone was united. It was so happy. But then, it's not anymore. So here's my memo for all of you blighters.

Super Japan

First off, you wankers. You're so delicate; you cry at the slightest prose. You care so f**king much about fashion. You need to look all pointy, and official, and presentable. You support a 400-year old terrorist group! How lame can that get? And what's more, you worship the number one soldier in your army as a martyr and deity. All soldiers die in battle, you nutfaces! Get over it. seriously. You can't even give the time of day to your previously best friends! Look, if you can't suck it up that maybe your precious Wally wasn't all he was cracked up to be, YOU DO DESERVE TO KOALA'D.


Now. you guys. You demand so much of other countries. You always have to get what you want, and if countries were little female girls, you'd be Miss Attitude. Seriously. always pouncing on opportunities to get trust! You just can't take it, can you? That you might not be the best country. You kill innocent animals here, for pretty much anything. you're crashing Australia's economy. I'm tired of both of you, but man, Subbuteo, you have some problems. The rest of the world can rot for all you care, as long as you can bathe in your own conceited filth. God...


As Jesus would say in this situation: "ROFL!!!!!!"

Subbuteo will T-StroYz the writer of this distinctly average article!!!