Three Spiders in a Window

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This is about three spiders I saw out my kitchen window while I was cleaning. Even though spiders are kind of scary, they seem to give you inspiration.

The actual scene

There were three spiders trapped inside the window. First of all, how did they even get in there?! Well, I don’t know, but let’s continue.

There were two spiders kind of near each other near the top of the left side of the window, and there was one spider in the very upper right corner of the bottom half of the window. One of the spiders near the top of the left side of the window started moving towards the other one that was near the top of the left side of the window. The oh so slightly bigger one (which was more to the left) knocked the other one off its string and the spider that was hit fell near the bottom of the window. The fallen spider then made way towards the spider in the very upper right corner of the bottom half of the window. The spider that was already there curled up. Then the spider that came towards that spider went up to the top half of the window and was headed towards the spider that it was originally near. When this spider came to oh so slightly bigger one that originally knocked it off its string, they both seemed to prepare to fight, then they just sat there a chilled out or something.

If spiders had emotions…

…this is how it would end up.

Okay, Spider #1 is that oh so slightly bigger one that was near the top of the left side of the window. Spider #2 is the one next to Spider #1. Spider #3 is that spider that was in the very upper right corner of the bottom half of the window. So let’s act it out.

Note: This story does not actually reflect the spiders thoughts, but of the authors.

Spider #2: Hey! I want to be here!

Spider #1: I want to be here too!

Spider #2: I am going to be RIGHT THERE!!

Spider #1: Over my dead exoskeleton!

Spider #2: I can arrange that.

Spider #2 tries to push Spider #1 out of the way, but Spider #1 simply breaks Spider #2’s string.

Spider #2: Uh oh!

Spider #1: I didn’t think so.

Spider #2 falls towards the bottom of the window but soon regains its grip.

Spider #2: Fine! I will find someone else to annoy!

Spider #2 heads toward Spider #3.

Spider #2: This is my territory now!

Spider #3: Please don’t annoy me or hurt me! Please!

Spider #3 shrivels up into a pseudo-ball.

Spider #2: Ugh! Fine! I will try again with the other one!

Spider #2 heads to the top of the window, crawls towards Spider #1, and tries to sneak attack him.

Spider #1: I know your there!

Spider #2: I don’t care! You’re going down!

Spider #1: Oh yeah!

Spider #2: Yeah!

Spiders #1 and #2 prepare for battle, the pressure is intense…

Spider #2: What are we fighting about again?

Spider #1: I down know.

Spider #2: I guess we could just chill or something.

Spider #1: Umm… ok!

Spiders #1 and #2 just sit there…