Tic Tac Dialogue

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              |              |
              |              |
              |              |
              |              |
              |              |
              | I pick this  |
              |     one.     |
              |              |
              |              |
              |              |
              |              |
              |              |
              |              |Well, I guess
              |              |I'm stuck with
              |              |this one, then.
              |              |
              |              |
              | I pick this  |
              |     one.     |
              |              |
              |              |
              |              |
              |              |
              |              |
              |              |Well, I guess
              |              |I'm stuck with
              |              |this one, then.
              |              |
              |              |
              | I pick this  |
              |     one.     |
              |              |
              |              |
              |              |  MY CORNER!
              |              |
              |              |
              |              |Well, I guess
You think I   |              |I'm stuck with
   care?      |              |this one, then.
              |              |
              |              |
              | I pick this  |
              |     one.     |
              |              |
              |              |
              |              |  MY CORNER!
              |              |
              |              |
              |              |Well, I guess
You think I   |  I know u    |I'm stuck with
   care?      | care, BITCH  |this one, then.
              |              |
              |              |
              | I pick this  |
              |     one.     |
              |              |
              |              |
              |              |  MY CORNER!
              |              |
              |              |
              |              |Well, I guess
You think I   |  I know u    |I'm stuck with
   care?      | care, BITCH  |this one, then.
              |              |
              |              |
              | I pick this  |
              |     one.     |
              |              |
              |              |
              |    slut.     |  MY CORNER!
              |              |
              |              |
              |              |Well, I guess
You think I   |  I know u    |I'm stuck with
   care?      | care, BITCH  |this one, then.
              |              |
Whatever. I   |              |
dont care what| I pick this  |
you say. I'm  |     one.     |
about to win. |              |
              |              |
              |    slut.     |  MY CORNER!
              |              |
              |              |
              |              |Well, I guess
You think I   |  I know u    |I'm stuck with
   care?      | care, BITCH  |this one, then.
              |              |
Whatever. I   |              |
dont care what| I pick this  |    Pfff.
you say. I'm  |     one.     |
about to win. |              |
              |              |
              |    slut.     |  MY CORNER!
              |              |
              |              |
              |              |Well, I guess
You think I   |  I know u    |I'm stuck with
   care?      | care, BITCH  |this one, then.
              |              |
Whatever. I   |              |
dont care what| I pick this  |    Pfff.
you say. I'm  |     one.     |
about to win. |              |
              |              |
 Cat's game.  |    slut.     |  MY CORNER!
   I win.     |              |
              |              |

"No you don't."

"Yes I do."

"Prove it. Show me how you won."

"Like this:"

              |       |      |Well, I guess
You think I   |  I kno| u    |I'm stuck with
   care?      | care, |ITCH  |this one, then.
              |       |      |
Whatever. I   |       |      |
dont care what| I pick|this  |    Pfff.
you say. I'm  |     on|.     |
about to win. |       |      |
              |       |      |
 Cat's game.  |    slu|.     |  MY CORNER!
   I win.     |       |      |
              |       |      |

"WHAT! Bottom center was MINE. I called you a slut."

"No, you're the slut, slut."

"Oh shut up. Besides, why the heck would you call it a 'Cat's game' if you think you won?"

"Because my name is Cat."

"No it's not, Steve."

"Well, I have a cat."

"No you don't. You have a fish that kinda looks like a cat. That doesn't count anyway. I ran him over with my car on the way over here."

"Wait, how'd you--?!? ...OH YOU STUPID LITTLE <css> /*Written by Silent Penguin

*Free to use under CC-BY-NC-SA
*If you need to steal it, god help you.

span.censtext{ text-color:black; background-color:black; padding:1px; } span.censtext:hover, span.censtext:focus{ text-color:black; background-color:white; padding:1px; } </css>CENSOR-INDUCING SILLY-WILLY!!!"

(fighting commences)

"OW! Hey! Stop! HEY! Not in the face!"

"Well, where am I supposed to hit you, then?"

"Hit him in the balls."

"Wait... woah. Who said that?"


"Shut up Steve! It wasn't you."

"You wish I would shut up. You wish it wasn't me."

"No, he knows it wasn't you. For he knows that it was I. Yes, I, the supreme spirit-lord of Tic Tac Toe and other related activities who has speaketh to thou all. I come to make peace between you."

"Then why'd you tell him to hit me in the balls?"

"Shut up, Steve. Now listen, in order to do so, I must reveal to you the story of Tic Tac Toe, a story of profound significance, beyond that of anything you have ever experienced or will. Then maybe you shall finally understand and respect this powerful game. Which one of you is the unnamed one?"

"I am," said Todd.

"Good. Now then, listen very carefully. Come in close..."




"Ah ha ha! Got you. Naw, all you gotta do is drop this acid. I'll do the rest."

"What... why do we gotta do that?"

"Shut up Steve."

"I'm Todd."

"Oh. My apologies. Hmm... why do you gotta do that?... Ha ha! Jeez, man, I don't really know! I guess it's just sorta fun and all. Well, I guess you don't really have to. Well, I'm going to anyway."


"ALLRIGHT GUYS LET'S GO! Okay, now jump into that time portal/ hole thing that I just opened up right beneath you."


"OH! I GUESS YOU ALREADY FELL IN! Cool man, cool. Okay now its my turn! Wheeeeeeeeee"






"AWWWW YEEEEAH!! What? Don't you guys like falling thousands of feet to an almost-certain death?"