Toothpaste Tube

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Spaceships look exactly like giant toothpaste tubes. All you'd have to do is add paint creatively and spaceships would become gigantic toothpaste tubes in the sky. They lift off the ground and splurt toothpaste forth. The toothpaste gushes, coating the atmosphere and glooping through the cosmos.

The stars themselves look like pearly white teeth.

Pearly white teeth. But why are the universe's teeth scattered so widely?

Almost as if the teeth once belonged to a unified smile. But then the smile was punched. Teeth flying everywhere. Bone crunch.

What if absolutely everything that ever happened is part of a giant broken jaw.

What if absolutely everything we do is trying to make that jaw look presentable.

What if planet earth and other planets are basically crumbs that get wedged between pearly white star teeth.

What if the galaxy had dental floss.

What if you could go either direction, because mouth (smile or frown) points at stars.

In fact, every time you move, it is a voyage in to space.