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Trogdor is a cute and cuddly character designed to teach children about the letter "S". He burps fire, but always says, "Excuse me!" and whenever anyone gives him something to eat (like, say, a burning peasant) he always says "Thank you!" so I guess he also teaches kids about manners.

He lives in this crazy place called "Peasantry" where people are on fire a lot ... probably because Trogdor lives there. The people are all pretty insane from having a public television-style children's character trying to teach them about the letter "S" all the time.

Trogdor likes to work out a lot - that's how he got the big beefy arm. He also says he likes playing Guitar Hero ... but since he's taken a vow to never use his beefy arm to actually pick anything up because that would be too difficult to animate, how he actually manages to grip the guitar controller remains a mystery.

See Also