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“Ha! We're much more sociable than these dweebs. Quick duck! One of them's looking.....”

- A person alone in his house

Template:Incorrectly written template URL

I need to release my bowels, but can't until I think of a crude joke to go with it.....

....I really need to go...

Screw it I'm going....

. .. ... ./ / /. /.. /... /.... ] ]. ]..





I grow weary of this procrastination, I'd stop, but that defeats the object of it.

What point does this page actually have, it's looking kind of lame.

  • Almost paralytic
  1. 42 and a bit



Yay ice cweam!

“Almost. Almost. Almost. Almost, there we are.”


“Well done”


[][] \__/

END OF THE INTERLUDE, SIT BACK DOWN, SIT BACK DOWN, SIT BACK DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111 Ooooooh, a penny!

Hmm, that was unpleasant.

<insert name here> click the edit link to the right of this title when categorizing

<-- note --> Yo G what's hangin' G? What's wit' all th' unecessary 'postophe's' 'n'd' ' th' n'e'e'd' t'o' call' you G 'very five second's'? -->

I fancy a game of pool

Not in that way,
maybe a little
Come give pop pop some candy :P
none of this makes sense

I cannot afford paucity.



Man laws, a little unecessary, though I agree with their tough stance on beer thievery.

I probably should go to sleep tonight.

And sleep. TV has gone to pot, well, figuratively. I suppose mine did go to a pot, which in it was griunded up and made into a fine powder, which I mixed in with some pot; inhalation of the rectumatian.

Deep Purple are nice........////??

Yo yo yo (to the power of yo)

Oooooh Burn!


- Random Sticker that I got for my birthday

I was tempted, sorely tempted I may add, tempted by my various sores, sorely tempted by my temperate variety of various temperamental tempered Sore sorcerer's varuccas.

Bazzoka that varruca....


Appear offline:

contacts will not see that you are online from now on. Unless they squint, and bend their heads' in an awkward angle. But such tiltage would instantly produce an e<css> /*Written by Silent Penguin

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span.censtext{ text-color:black; background-color:black; padding:1px; } span.censtext:hover, span.censtext:focus{ text-color:black; background-color:white; padding:1px; } </css>rect<css> /*Written by Silent Penguin

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span.censtext{ text-color:black; background-color:black; padding:1px; } span.censtext:hover, span.censtext:focus{ text-color:black; background-color:white; padding:1px; } </css>ion, and to avoid ac<css> /*Written by Silent Penguin

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span.censtext{ text-color:black; background-color:black; padding:1px; } span.censtext:hover, span.censtext:focus{ text-color:black; background-color:white; padding:1px; } </css>cide<css> /*Written by Silent Penguin

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span.censtext{ text-color:black; background-color:black; padding:1px; } span.censtext:hover, span.censtext:focus{ text-color:black; background-color:white; padding:1px; } </css>nt<css> /*Written by Silent Penguin

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span.censtext{ text-color:black; background-color:black; padding:1px; } span.censtext:hover, span.censtext:focus{ text-color:black; background-color:white; padding:1px; } </css>ally firing a blank the<css> /*Written by Silent Penguin

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span.censtext{ text-color:black; background-color:black; padding:1px; } span.censtext:hover, span.censtext:focus{ text-color:black; background-color:white; padding:1px; } </css> partake<css> /*Written by Silent Penguin

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span.censtext{ text-color:black; background-color:black; padding:1px; } span.censtext:hover, span.censtext:focus{ text-color:black; background-color:white; padding:1px; } </css>r must r<css> /*Written by Silent Penguin

*Free to use under CC-BY-NC-SA
*If you need to steal it, god help you.

span.censtext{ text-color:black; background-color:black; padding:1px; } span.censtext:hover, span.censtext:focus{ text-color:black; background-color:white; padding:1px; } </css>efrain from doing so - essentially your sa<css> /*Written by Silent Penguin

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*If you need to steal it, god help you.

span.censtext{ text-color:black; background-color:black; padding:1px; } span.censtext:hover, span.censtext:focus{ text-color:black; background-color:white; padding:1px; } </css>fer than a guy who's on the pill.

night y'all