Uber dog and the cat monger OMG rapist HELLLLLP!

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Dog vs Rapist ands chicken comes

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr BANG BANG BANG BANGORRRRRRR!

HEEEEEEELP no i r the dog and mastabatorererer

NOOOOLOL yes yes. Suddenly he blowjob up!!!!! he is saved yayyy so their will be a sequel

Big battel

shotttttting ahahagggagaggghhhhhhh nooo that hirt its meant to you fool

och aye suddenly the scotsman dies AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH NOOOOO! Yes says the OMG rapist he diesss then comes alive the dog suddenly becomes a mmember of the IRA

the IRA ist crapunscaften.


is thisssss it......

unnccesary long title which is funny in some epics but now is sort of oversused ooops i mean overused xD

how do I shot web? you dont queeueing MSN Chats gone damn. Large concrete structure He runs and then THE OMG RAPIST kills yererrrrrrrrrr Catergory:Mehpic kjshfksfudsh Blaaaaargh