Ultra Thingy

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Ultra thingy......you pronounce that like DINGY, you know. Ultra THIN GEE.......It is ultra thingy to have a room which you do not clean and which needs to be painted. It would be a good idea to try and make it better but perhaps there just isn't time. Can that be it? Maybe you are wanting to do one more thing on the computer. That of course will obviate your ability to do anything at all in your room no matter how much your mom might be hoping and praying that you will try to clean it.

After all it can wait, can't it? Why not wait and do it all tomorrow?


Tomorrow is another day to not clean your room. So this is the best bet. Just wait wait wait until tomorrow. And perhaps the sun will shine and be bright and it will be another wonderful day to not clean that ULTRA THINGY room of yours.


Now, THAT would have been an excellent time to do something about that ULTRA THINGY room behind that cobweb collector you call a door, but you missed that chance, I take it? No matter. Just tend to your pet rocks if you have not already broken up with them and you will be all set.


Another interpretation of the moniker ULTRA THINGY is one having to do with being a thing which looks a bit thin. This makes you ULTRA THINGY, which is something you really don't want to be in this society. You just won't feel good if you are ULTRA THINGY, and we mean that literally, dear. I mean, who is going to want to touch you if you are nothing but a bag of bones. No, you had better go and get yourself just a little smackerel of something to eat just as Winnie the Pooh used to do before he went all Disney and all the charm was pounded out of his stories.