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Hello, fiends!

Yes, I did say "fiends" and not "friends"...

Why I did that I do not know...

Babble is welcome!

Poetry and Such


Love is strong medicine...

Love holds steady the blade of death...

Love calms the soul...

Love brings happiness...

Love helps overcome hardships...

Love gives strength over enemies...

Love is powerful...

Love is strong medicine.

A haiku perspective of George W. Bush

The powerful fool,

speaks always of victory-

our fearless leader.


Yellows and reds fall,

in a beautiful silence-

soon all becomes bare.


The sweltering sun,

in the intense midday heat-

I feel like melting.

Winter (a tanka)

Cold breezes bring snow,

ice pelting against my roof,

sleet comes from above,

the noise making me restless-

I love the peaceful racket.

Spring (yet another tanka)

Life returns in March,

with the twittering of birds,

singing of goodness,

giving welcome to all life-

so pretty the melting ice.


The rhythms flow from my hands,

The music surrounds me,

As he picks up his trumpet,

And begins to play,

I feel music rushing all around,

It's a nonstop groove.

No direction, no nothing,

Just pure life; energy; soul.

As the spectators look on in awe,

We send chills down their spines.

Whoever says Jazz is only music is wrong,

It's the feeling; the excitement; the thrill of being alive!


O, moon; guide me on this dark, dark night,

Where I may not know my way.

Illuminate all with your otherworldy light,

And keep me safe 'till day.

Moon so beautiful, bright and round,

You seem my only friend.

Alone in this desert, I have found,

No end to this suffering, no end.

And when I lay myself to rest,

For the final time,

I wish to see the moon at full,

As I drift away into eternity.


Pity for the Immortal Being

I pity the soul who would live for an eternity now without knowing what the future would hold. They would see so much death, destruction and hate for as long as the human race survives and then some.

What if they were the only human who had chosen to live an eternity? I personally would go insane without any human contact at all. They would live to see the destruction of the solar system, and eventually the universe, and take in so much knowledge without being able to die. What would they do with it when there is nothing left?

So lonely...

Why someone would condemn themselves to such a fate, is beyond me.

The Meaning of Life (NOT 42!!!)

There is no single, all-truthful, all-powerful meaning to life to live by. You must find your own meaning, letting events in your life influence it.

The true meaning of life is only how you choose to perceive it, nothing more.

Death (not intended to be emo)

When someone's time comes, they die. It doesn't matter what age they are, it was just meant to be. It's the circle of life: you can never really cheat death, it's just meant to be whether you die or not.

Who knows what death really is, anyway? I mean, you'd have to ask someone who died to truly figure that out, and I bet you a million dollars, unless you're a real necromancer, that they wouldn't be able to answer your questions.

Who knows...perhaps death is just another beginning to a different plane of existence, a gateway to a new world...

But you don't have to take my word for it...there are many different beliefs out there, and whichever you choose to follow, I have respect for you.


Dreamer in the shadows, I wish to see your face, show me your true self. Stop hiding behind the curtains of yesterday. Come, wake into the light of truth. When I see you sitting in the corner of the room, I want to help you, yet then realize I cannot. I pity you, one with the closed mind who will not learn anew. You do not accept your future, preferring to live in the past. Why is this? Do you find some sort of comfort as you dream of the past, while your present and future is going on around you? As you sit up in your bed at the hospital, do you find some sanity in the past? I pity you, one who refuses to live.

Infinite Perception

You have no idea what it’s like on the other side until you get there… You don’t know if there will be hatred and destruction or calmness and tranquility. So how can you be sure that there even is another side? The answer is that you cannot. You will never know until you try to see…see what lays beyond perception…

Try to be at peace…let your body go limp…as the spiritual energy flows around you, enveloping you in delicate folds of emotion…as part of you still tries to hold on to your past…while you drift into infinity.

Or is it really infinite? Is it but only nothingness? You can never know until you get there, if it exists. If it doesn’t exist, we cannot call it “it”, since that makes absolutely no sense at all. But, then I ask myself, “What is sense?” It’s all based on perception. There is no right or wrong, no on or off, no life or death. None of these actually exist. Do I even exist? I cannot be sure if I am but a thought on someone’s or something’s mind, which could be terminated at any second, without my having any knowledge of this termination.

It is a very easy way to “die”, whatever death may be. Not knowing that you have been terminated would also mean that you would have never existed, at least in the views of the many other “human beings” of which I perceive myself. Or do I perceive them? Of that I cannot tell indefinitely.

What is life? Why do we surround ourselves with comforts, when we could be perfectly fine without them? The human race is spoiled…but what exactly is the human race? Again, it is all how you perceive things. I cannot give anyone, but myself alone, a definite answer to that question, since I cannot possibly know how another perceives things. Everyone’s level of perception is different, and the way they perceive the other side is up to them to decide. You have no idea what it’s like on the other side until you get there…
