User:Colonel Sanders/Why I Should Be President of the Hoose

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I was the best SimCity player evah!

I should be President of the Hoose for many reasons. For your sake and to prevent your head from going into your rectum, I'm only going to name a few of those reasons.

  1. I am adminz/cratz on other sites
  2. I eat cheeze
  3. Future Doctorate here
  4. I eat cheeze
  5. Something or another

As President of the Hoose, I would abolish the crapital gainz tax. No, really. I would. And I would get Island Monkey some tofu....or whatever he wanted. I also believe something that I thought was true, but might not have been.....I suck. No, really. I do. I won the third grade spelling bee, but I still can't spell antidisestablismentarianism. No, really. I can't. Google it. It'll say that is wrong, and give you the correct spelling. The point is, I have no leadership skills and will cut through the red tape and create a landslide and create a caucus by throwing in a bunch of random political terms to sound smarterer.

At least I'll be a better President than this guy

I also promise that I will create transparency. I will make a new Hoose out of Saran Wrap and it will be transparent.

Also, one more important thing....

AUDIT THE FED! File:Aa-Ron-Paul-Dees-audit-the-fed-excellent-one.jpg