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File:Not worthy of thyne ban reason.png
This motto does not apply to any of the blocked users on this page as, evidently, each and every one has a ban reason. Paradox!

Rash log madness! See here for much more hilariousness.

New for 2011: Author notes! It's like the DVD commentaries but in hypertext format.


  • 22:53, 10 April 2007 David gave a Chinese Burn to "User:Ray Cyst" that will sting for at least 1 year (No matter what you do, (yeah-yeah) You can't get the ban off of you.)
  • 20:51, 29 Serpeniver 2007 Silent Penguin (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to "Trileywood (Talk | contribs)" that will sting for at least infinite ‎ (Mass sandelism, Beach Ahoy, Oh dammit, i dropped my ice cream) (unblock)
  • 10:36, 19 Novelniver 2007 MrMetalFLower (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to " (Talk)" that will sting for at least 1 week ‎ (How to annoy an admin: 1. Fail 2. Think you're "so awesomexcore" that you think getting that article deleted was an achievement 3. Being an IP.) (unblock)
  • 23:06, 19 Ditzimber 2007 Silent Penguin (Talk | contribs | block) unblocked (Talk) ‎ (correcting my spelling)


  • 00:21, 5 Jeremy 2008 Asema (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to " (Talk)" that will sting for at least infinite ‎ (CONGRATULATIONS, SIR! You have won a BAN!!!!!!!!! Cue flashing lights.) (unblock)
  • 14:29, 28 Jeremy 2008 Asema (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to "Testostereich (Talk | contribs)" that will sting for at least a very long time ‎ (I am blocking you because you are substandard.) (unblock)
  • 20:00, 2 Farbleum 2008 Asema (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to "Toby D!!kk (Talk | contribs)" that will sting for at least infinite ‎ (FATALITY) (unblock)
  • 14:13, 15 Farbleum 2008 Testostereich (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to "Eiffel Tower (Talk | contribs)" that will sting for at least 123456789 seconds ‎ (Refusing to give head on demand: supporting Manchester United. I wonder how long this block lasts) (unblock)
  • 17:39, 27 Yoon 2008 Hindleyite (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to "Hindleyite (Talk | contribs)" that will sting for at least 1 year ‎ (Unconstructive, nay, destructive edits) (unblock)
  • 00:06, 28 Ergust 2008 Testostereich (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to "Beetus (Talk | contribs)" that will sting for at least infinite ‎ (Because I don't like you: blanking, DIE MUDDAFORKA!!!!!!!!) (unblock)
  • 20:08, 14 Serpeniver 2008 Hindleyite (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to "Serious stuff (Talk | contribs)" that will sting for at least 1 year ‎ (GASP! A cheesit!) (unblock)
  • 20:58, 23 Serpeniver 2008 Silent Penguin (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to "== (Talk | contribs)" that will sting for at least 1 year ‎ (Meh, i got bored of you, go back to vandal school and learn how to do it properly) (unblock)
  • 10:33, 1 Octodest 2008 Hindleyite (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to "Your password is password (Talk | contribs)" that will sting for at least 1 year ‎ (Take me down to the Paradise City where the beer is cheap and the vandals are sh*tty!) (unblock)
  • 15:57, Octodest 3, 2008 MrMetalFLower (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to "Testostereich (Talk | contribs)" that will sting for at least 9188 seconds ‎ (1 second for each edit you've made, dickface :P bet you don't use "show preview" or anything. :P) (unblock)
  • 14:57, 11 Novelniver 2008 Nerd42 (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to "Rapid fire squad (Talk | contribs)" that will sting for at least infinite ‎ (BOOM, HEADSHOT!!!!!!!: U can't touch dis) (unblock)


File:Testostereich Banned.png
Testicles blocked for insulting the size of his own member?
  • 12:32, 2 Farbleum 2009, Silent Penguin (Talk | contribs | block) Chinese Burned (Talk) (expires 12:32, 2 Farbleum 2010, anon. only, account creation blocked) (the. worst. vandle. ever! sheesh, you guys arnt even trying anymore.)
  • 10:35, 12 Farbleum 2009, Silent Penguin (Talk | contribs | block) Chinese Burned (Talk) (infinite, anon. only, account creation blocked) (Mehpic: Congratulations, you have won our "lamest vandel ever!" award, collect your free pineapple from reception (*pineapple not included))
  • 18:49, 16 Farbleum 2009, Silent Penguin (Talk | contribs | block) Chinese Burned SiIent Penguin (Talk | contribs) (infinite, account creation blocked, e-mail blocked) (Mehpic: To use an i as an L once, thats interesting, to use the same trick twice, thats just sad.)
  • 13:09, 7 Arply 2009, Hindleyite (Talk | contribs | block) Chinese Burned (Talk) (expires 13:09, 7 Aym 2009, anon. only, account creation blocked) (Non-conformity will NOT be tolerated in this establishment. Get me some Doritos.)
  • 15:23, 9 Aym 2009 Hindleyite (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to " (Talk)" that will sting for at least 3 days ‎ (Please refrain from editing Illogicopedia under the influence of blue Smarties. Thank you.)
  • 11:40, 10 Aym 2009 Hindleyite (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to " (Talk)" that will sting for at least infinite ‎ (Your vandalism methods are outdated. Couln't afford the fee for Vandal University?)
  • 22:48, 14 Aym 2009 THE (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to " (Talk)" that will sting for at least infinite ‎ (congrats! You're the first person I've ever banned! Anyway, stop wasting everyone's time.)
  • 15:58, 16 Jumbly 2009 THE (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to " (Talk)" that will sting for at least 3 months ‎ (insulting testostereich's penis size)
  • 18:02, 9 Ergust 2009 Hindleyite (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to " (Talk)" that will sting for at least 1 month ‎ (He's a bit weird, even by Illogicopedia standards)
  • 16:56, 18 Serpeniver 2009 Silent Penguin (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to " (Talk)" that will sting for at least 1 week ‎ (Until next time, fuck off)
  • 01:37, 3 Octodest 2009 Silent Penguin (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to "EggLayingMammal (Talk | contribs)" that will sting for at least infinite ‎ (congratulation you have gained a level, please proceed to encyclopedia dramatica)
  • 17:07, 3 Novelniver 2009 Testostereich (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to " (Talk)" that will sting for at least infinite ‎ (Refusing to give head on demand: I'm a horny man i.p., a horny man)
  • 11:18, 24 Novelniver 2009 Testostereich (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to " (Talk)" that will sting for at least 1 year ‎ (Because I don't like you: and no, we can't still be friends)
  • 11:28, 24 Novelniver 2009 Testostereich (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to " (Talk)" that will sting for at least 3 months ‎ (Sockpuppeteering: You've just been Notorious.K.I.CK'd)
  • 13:49, 26 Ditzimber 2009 Hindleyite (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to " (Talk)" that will sting for at least A hundred billion years ‎ (Can you feel it?)


  • 12:36, 28 Farbleum 2010 Hindleyite (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to " (Talk)" that will sting for at least A billion years ‎ (Welcome, fatty. Here's a chocolate biscuit.) (unblock | change block)
    And before you accuse me of being fattist, I was just being stupid.
  • 10:55, 15 Jeremy 2010 Testostereich (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to " (Talk)" that will sting for at least 1 year ‎ (GAYTANK!: |CRIME:| Temporary Creative Theft, and Article Fraud. -- |SENTENCE:| Execution by Gaytank.) (unblock | change block)
    I still don't fully get the gaytank thing, but it's rather chuckleworthy nonetheless.
  • 04:17, 5 Arply 2010 Testostereich (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to "Silent Penguin (Talk | contribs)" that will sting for at least 3 seconds ‎ (See you later alligaytor, in a while cockodile: advocating fector over monocock like you're life long pals. MY GRANDPAPY DIED FIGHTING FOR MONOBOOK YOU HOT PIECE OF ASS) (unblock | change block)
    Hey, Vector can be beautiful too! If it had major facial reconstruction.
  • 15:17, 25 Ergust 2010 Fluffalizer (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to " (Talk)" that will sting for at least 6 months ‎ (Your foot is not as wise as moose) (unblock | change block)
    Ah, Fluffy. How we missed you.
  • 18:27, 2 Serpeniver 2010 Hindleyite (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to "Heyyo (Talk | contribs)" that will sting for at least 1 month ‎ (For being like a kid on blue Smarties) (unblock | change block)
    Bit of a running joke thing used more than once.
  • 11:53, 24 Octodest 2010 Testostereich (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to " (Talk)" that will sting for at least infinite ‎ (Thine giggle was faulty and now thou art gone: being a tit) (unblock | change block)
    Illogicopedia: No small birds.
  • 21:38, 10 Ditzimber 2010 THE (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to "Uncyclopedia 666 (Talk | contribs)" that will sting for at least 17 years ‎ (Oy!) (unblock | change block)
    It's the length of time compared to the punchiness of the block reason that makes this one. See you in 17 years foo'!


  • 03:35, 8 Jeremy 2011 Testostereich (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to "Aleksandr Lukashenko (Talk | contribs)" that will sting for at least infinite ‎ (a lack of decorum) (unblock | change block)
    Straight from the school of dignified block summaries.
  • 04:03, 22 Farbleum 2011 Athyria (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to "PresidentMudkip (Talk | contribs)" that will sting for at least 1 month ‎ (You're a big fat meanyhead and you make me want to eat cheese!) (unblock | change block)
    Straight from the school of undignified block summaries.
  • 02:10, 10 Arche 2011 Athyria (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to " (Talk)" that will sting for at least 1 week ‎ (I don't get it... usually vandalism improves the articles. How have you actually managed to make them worse? I don't get it at all.) (unblock | change block)
  • 18:31, 12 Arche 2011 Hindleyite (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to " (Talk)" that will sting for at least 1 week ‎ (The voices in my head told me) (unblock | change block)
    No, seriously. It's a real problem. I should be de-opped.
  • 18:33, 12 Arche 2011 Hindleyite (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to "SandyHuffman1 (Talk | contribs)" that will sting for at least infinite ‎ (For having a bloody stupid name) (unblock | change block)
  • 06:24, 13 Arche 2011 Athyria (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to " (Talk)" that will sting for at least 1 week ‎ (Congratulation! I have informated my cat of your presence here, and after much deliberation, she decreed that you are a moron! Congratulation! Congratulation!) (unblock | change block)
    First cat consultation block in the history of Illogico?
  • 05:23, 23 Arche 2011 Athyria (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to " (Talk)" that will sting for at least 1 month ‎ (Excessive spamming, as well as three counts of improper walrus control...) (unblock | change block)
  • 17:09, 16 Aym 2011 Hindleyite (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to "Mushypuppet847923 (Talk | contribs)" that will sting for at least infinite ‎ (Spammer: More like Pushy Muppet) (unblock | change block)
  • 13:23, 23 Aym 2011 Hindleyite (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to " (Talk)" that will sting for at least infinite ‎ (Cockblocked, bro. Literally.) (unblock | change block)
    For the record, it was a porno spammer. Yep, feel free to deop me for this one...
  • 13:40, 12 Yoon 2011 Hindleyite (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to "Hindleyite (Talk | contribs)" that will sting for at least 1 second ‎ (Edit conflicting; being a general arse) (unblock | change block)
    ...well, if you want a good job done, do it your blasted self.
  • 05:31, 15 Yoon 2011 Readmesoon (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to " (Talk)" that will sting for at least infinite ‎ (you are a naughty, naughty boy(girl)! allow me to introduce you to my punishment of naughty boys and girls, called the "Special:Block" page. It's not violent or anything. Just fun to play with.) (unblock | change block)
    My favourite part is the gender disclaimer.
  • 13:55, 17 Ergust 2011 Hindleyite (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to "Magamand1963 (Talk | contribs)" that will sting for at least infinite ‎ (Refusing to admit YouTube poop has some comedic value) (unblock | change block)
    I honestly have no recollection of the context, I think I might have just thought it was funny.
  • 23:37, 7 Serpeniver 2011 Silent Penguin (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to "Hindleyite is a ghey (Talk | contribs)" that will sting for at least infinite ‎ (For using ghey instead of gay.)
    Ah, don't you love Grammar Naziism?
  • 14:20, 8 Serpeniver 2011 Nerd42 (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to "PAGE MOVE VANDUL (Talk | contribs)" that will sting for at least infinite ‎ (BOOM, HEADSHOT!!!!!!!: Mispelling vandull. It has two "l"s.) (unblock | change block)
    Ah, don't you love Mispelling Communism?
  • 03:57, 27 Octodest 2011 Athyria (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to "INeedABetterUsernameThanINeedABetterUsername (Talk | contribs)" that will sting for at least infinite ‎ (Good luck with that. Really.) (unblock | change block)
    Yeah, INeedABetterUsername won Best Illogicopedia username three years in a row. Quite a feat considering he hadn't even created an account on Illogicopedia yet.
  • 17:43, 24 Novelniver 2011 Athyria (Talk | contribs | block) gave a Chinese Burn to "ACarThatDrives (Talk | contribs)" that will sting for at least infinite ‎ (You really don't have anything better to do than vandalise some backwater wiki that only the regulars care about? Pathetic.) (unblock | change block)
    The greatest block log summary of all time. We might as well pack up and go home now, but we won't, no matter how much you insist.