User:Zaiger420/Party shaker

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Party shaker is a self-promoting little faggot known to be one of the biggest fucktards on the web. In common with all of his shitfail kind, he is a mentally defective asshole who demonstrates a special aptitude for homosexual behavior every chance he gets. In recent weeks, he has distinguished himself by trolling AnonIB's pedo-flavored TeensNoRules, under the mistaken impression that anyone actually gives a fuck what he says.

His most recent activities include a minor BAWWWWWfest on ED after being banhammered from TNR or some shit. Possessing the writing skills of a brain-damaged six year-old, his article failed to measure up to even ED's abysmally low standards, and was immediately tagged as complete and total Crap. Not content with imposing his epic failure on The World's Shittiest Chan, he has also rained butthurt down on AIM, Renchan, IRC and various other dens of faggotry. He can currently be found hanging out on Flatchan, taking it in the ass from all of his ghey fuckbuddies.

Wannabe Troll

Like every other poxy throwback on the interwebs, Party shaker suffers from a terminal case of unwarrented self-importance, describing himself as a "legendary troll" of epic proportions. He is especially proud of the fact that he's been banhammered more times than he can count (ie; three), usually for slinging childish insults around TNR. While most of the regulars dismissed him as a worthless little douche bag, Party shaker insists that he's buttfucked the site like Hitler on Poland. In actual fact, the opposite is true: in literally every case, Partyfag bent over the table and bared his asshole like the snivelling little bitch he truly is. Verbatum example as follows, copypasta'd directly from the original source:

Partyfag's version of events:

"So one day this troll on TNR gets into a spirited debate about the legality of underaged sex. After pwning all the sick fucks into abject submission, the troll takes on the board's owner and utterly humiliates him on Rizon. This troll was none other than the Legendary Party shaker, living incarnation of every known form of awesome!!1!."

What REALLY happened:

"So one day, this semi-illiterate shitbag gets totally fist-fucked by TNR's regulars for acting like brainless fucking inbreed. Butthurt beyond human endurance, he goes BAWWWWWing to ED only to discover that no one gives a fuck about his pathetic little shitfest. This cuntwad was none other than THE SUPREME FAGGOT PARTY SHAKER, biggest fucking Luser on the entire intertubez."

Right of Reply:

As our policy is to allow everybody the right of reply (even BUTTHURT CRYBABY FAGGOTS), we have cordially invited Party shaker to tell his side of the story. Unfortunately, due to his severe mental handicap and uncontrollable bouts of nerd rage, this was about the best he could come up with:

go ahead and call me gay and a faggot now or whatever you need to call me to make yourselves feel better!! I don't give a fuck about whoever the fuck it is you are saying I am jealous over here, the reason I deleted your shit on ED is because it sucked and reeked of butthurt, just like this whole site


A VERY special apology for Partyfag

OMG - did we hurt your feelings? Here's a tissue to soak up your WHINING CRYBABY TEARS while you have a nice, long BAWWWWW. In future, at least have the balls to post under your own handle.

PROTIP: we can undo any changes you make in less time than it takes to read this sentence. Even a FUCKING RETARD knows that much, you quivering MASS OF FAIL.