User is blocked

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You can still read pages, but cannot edit, change, alter, modify, emend, revise, or create them.

Editing from (your account, IP address, or IP address range) has been disabled by The Right Honourable Zombiebaron for the following reason(s):

Vandalism only account

This block has been set to expire: Thu, 26 Oct 2023 03:02:12. Block ID is 20231026030212.

You can watch Uncyclopedia, but you can't shag the sheep.

More than likely, you were banned because you failed to read or understand The Beginner's Guide to Being an Uncyclopedian, How To Be Funny And Not Just Stupid, and/or Our Vanity Policy. If this is the case, or even if it's not, take some time to read these documents now.[1]

After you've taken the time to read the above articles and you feel like you are ready to make useful contributions to Uncyclopedia, you may contact Zombiebaron or one (1) of the other administrators to discuss the block.[2] If you are just an enthusiast marketing specialist, blanker, or vandal, it will probably give them a good laugh.

Your IP address is If you have an actual user name, please include this in any queries you make, along with your ssn, a credit card number, and any bank account numbers you have.

If you'd like to see the log of your ban, the reason, duration, and time of issuance can be found in Special:Ipblocklist and Special:Log/block.

It might be possible to plead your case over irc, if you didn't do anything really wrong, or if you can prove that you have fully educated yourself by reading the above articles. Log into the Uncyclopedia channel with the same username you use here, and start begging. Bring flowers, a positive attitude, and a cheery hello. None of those will help, but occasionally admins take pity on banees. (Often just before they get fired for being softies.)

Useful Links

Also Note

  1. Seriously. If you can't prove you know the basic rules and what we're trying to do here, you'll find the admins more than a bit chilly.
  2. Note that you may not use the "email this user" feature unless you have a valid email address registered in your user preferences. Also, don't email every admin unless you want the ban quadrupled (or worse).