User talk:Colonel Sanders/Archive Two

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I don't have any archives, either.

Also, this is my defiling your archived talkpage with pointless drivel. Good day. <css> .nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 21 Novelniver 2010 - 07:41 (UTC)

Get yo drivel outta here! And... you didn't have archives? Weird. Well, now I do and quit defiling my crap! I do good enough of a job as it is!--Teh Chicken Magnate, The Honorable Colonel Sanders 18:14, 21 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)

Well, too bad! I'ma defile your crap, anyway! Take that! And that! And this oversized trout! Huzzah. <css> .nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 21 Novelniver 2010 - 20:38 (UTC)

Ooo, looky! I found another talkpage! Hi, Colonel Sanders' talkpage!

Er, I'm not completely bonkers, of course not. *shifty eyes* <css> .nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 8 Ditzimber 2010 - 01:48 (UTC)

Meh. Get outta here! WE GOTZ NUKES!--Teh Chicken Magnate, The Honorable Colonel Sanders 16:11, 8 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
Nukes? How do they smell? <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 8 Ditzimber 2010 - 19:19 (UTC)

Quite peachy. However, what are you doing spamming my userpage anyway? Anyway, uhh, I forgot my point... Nobama 2012! Err, and uhh. I'm off to that other website and/or that fantasy-land or Jurassic Park for a bit with my glass of wine. Mehhh.--Teh Chicken Magnate, The Honorable Colonel Sanders 01:06, 9 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
The same thing I'm doing spamming everyone else's userpages, at least the ones whose userpages I'm spamming, of course. Have fun, love. Don't forget to dream sweet Nightmares. <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 9 Ditzimber 2010 - 01:41 (UTC)

Thanks. Care to read my musical masterpiece?--Teh Chicken Magnate, The Honorable Colonel Sanders 01:59, 9 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
But it's so long... <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 9 Ditzimber 2010 - 02:51 (UTC)

But illogical nonetheless. Read it, you lazy bum!--Teh Chicken Magnate, The Honorable Colonel Sanders 13:19, 9 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
I will. Eventually. <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 9 Ditzimber 2010 - 17:07 (UTC)

Meh.--Teh Chicken Magnate, The Honorable Colonel Sanders 00:56, 10 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)

Pointless Drivel


Hair horned lizard men eating ice-cream cake snufflings.

Nice archive, anyways.--File:Sig.png (Talk) (Contributions) 06:07, 8 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)

Thank you. Say, why drivel?--Teh Chicken Magnate, The Honorable Colonel Sanders 16:15, 8 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
Because Athyria said so.--File:Sig.png (Talk) (Contributions) 01:53, 10 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
Grrr Athyria, that no-goodnik!!!!! Oh well, did you check out me musical masterpiece?--Teh Chicken Magnate, The Honorable Colonel Sanders 02:11, 10 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
No.--File:Sig.png (Talk) (Contributions) 03:52, 10 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
Now I have.--File:Sig.png (Talk) (Contributions) 03:55, 10 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
Gooth. What ye think?--Teh Chicken Magnate, The Honorable Colonel Sanders 16:21, 10 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)

Your talkpage is now infested with muskoxen


My question is, why did you use commas the way you did, up there? It makes the sentence read most extraordinary, and although that is a good thing at times, you should be weary of commas. They can be rather nasty creatures... I've seen them wage war. It wasn't a pretty sight.

Indeed. However, commas can be quite interesting beasts. Meh. Thank you for intruding my talkpage with drivel.--Teh Chicken Magnate, The Honorable Colonel Sanders 01:07, 27 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
Your talkpage really does need more drivel, you know... <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css>~ File:Pointy.png 01:44, 27 Ditzimber 2010

Indeed. I don't have much since nobody cares about me.--Teh Chicken Magnate, The Honorable Colonel Sanders 01:50, 27 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
Why not? <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css>~ File:Pointy.png 03:59, 27 Ditzimber 2010

I'm at your service. *bows* Well, I might be when I can be bothered to. ~ Ellemerr Daydreams & Nightmares 00:38, 28 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)


Greetings, Science genius. You have proven worthy your sciency nonsensical skills by earning 10 points in IllogiScience. We appreciate your efforts and contributions to this project. You are helping the project, as well as Illogicopedia itself by writing articles on a topic long neglected by the site. However, there is much more to be done, and we could use your science anti-knowledge in continuing our endeavor. So, this is nothing more than a message to get you to continue your crappy> fine work on IllogiScience. However, if you earn more points, you will get some shiny templates for your userpage and perhaps a piece of cake. For now though, all you get is this lousy message. Good morning/afternoon/evening/night/whatever. From IllogiScience

See? See what I mean, how wrong that looks? The thing should be more general. Say it's from a committee, or something, or just 'from IllogiScience'... *mumbles* <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css>~ File:Pointy.png 20:43, 27 Ditzimber 2010

Fixed.--Teh Chicken Magnate, The Honorable Colonel Sanders 20:55, 27 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
Now it just needs to look like a template and stuff... with purdies. I'll do that later. <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css>~ File:Pointy.png 04:23, 28 Ditzimber 2010

All right.--Teh Chicken Magnate, The Honorable Colonel Sanders 15:13, 28 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)


like I said before (perhaps not to you) - no need to apologise, my style of humor is the kind that can cause people to go crazy and I understand that: I was at fault too for blanking the article, we all let our emotions get the best of us and the internet is full of very malicious users so its no surprise that people take to arms in defence of places they care about. I have only ever seen ED once and regretted it, however my name is to do with my Deviantart account (which I mentioned on my talkpage) - admittedly I often go for "trollish" humor but I do so to try and poke fun at how ridiculous they can be.. I apologise myself for any offence I may of caused and let bygones be bygones.. life's too short to hold grudges --Oh-Dear-God-Why 22:47, 31 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)

Indeed. No worries. Skal vi lever lystigt.--Colonel Sanders/Colonel Battaleaxe 22:50, 31 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)

Yo Colonel

Slip me some o' those spicy chicken wings and fries will ya? I'm starvin'! So 'ave you actually retired or are you just tired? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 18:48, 3 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)

I was just tired. I will go in the back room to get ye some grub.Colonel Sanders/Colonel Battaleaxe 03:02, 4 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)

Overly serious aside

I would like to point out - e|m|c is an arse. That said, he's not entirely wrong. The ED thing was stupid, and you did play a part and confound matters, so of course you would get blame. Vandalising wikis is not a game to be lauded, and the very notion of warring between them is just silly. Fine to play off if realising that, but actually going out and doing it, advertising it, expecting retribution, etc, that's not so fine.

On the other hand, He's not entirely right. Yes, you could have at any point stopped it, done something, realised what you were doing was not smart, etc, but then again, I probably could have done something as well, and I was against it; I just... sat there as. People make mistakes; that's nothing out of the ordinary. At least you realised your mistake in the end, however, and apologised and whatnot; the same cannot be said of the other involved member, who has a penchant for this sort of thing and worse. The only thing you really can do is to learn from your mistakes and move on - hopefully where you go will suit you, but perhaps you will have heart to return, as your chicken is already missed. <css> .nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css>~ File:Pointy.png 20:07, 3 Jeremy 2011

I still apologize for my mistake, and if I would be welcomed back by the community would be more than glad to return. I thank you for the invitation. My chicken will make a thriumphant return... perhaps. I pray for goodwill of the other fellow. Much thanks. I shall return. Yeah, I never finished my GWB article. I'll be back. Godspeed!Colonel Sanders/Colonel Battaleaxe 02:59, 4 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
Is a large yak left in your freezer 'welcoming'? Because if it is, then I don't htink you should concern yourself. If not, er... I'll try to find somewhere else to store the yaks I stole... er, borrowed. Borrowed not entirely with permission. Problem is, I dunno if anyone else here has a large enough freezer... <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css>~ File:Pointy.png 02:02, 5 Jeremy 2011

Much thanks for the yak. I will get back to work on artikles as soon as the elves are in order. Oh, and about your message at WP, I was editing on a mobile device, not a proxy. I was doing so because my computer was down. Nice to see you again. Say, how are things going over for ye at Pete's place?--Colonel Sanders/Colonel Battaleaxe 17:41, 5 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
Actually, I meant how Mr. Berty was editing your userpage for you, and whatnot. He was being your proxy here. Word had a meaning before the internet, you know.
Uuuurgh, Uncyclopedia? Bloody awful. They want me to make them new banners, then I find myself reskinning the entire mainpage, and this guy wants me to make his article look like a newspaper and this other fellow wants me to make him a signature and then leaves when I don't get around to it on top of everything else... and this other other guy wants me to proofread half of everything, too. Next thing, they'll want me to rewrite the css for the entire bloody wiki! Or just proofread it. Guuh.
Meh, go on tomorrow, look at the mainpage, and tell me what you think. Did me and Zombles do good? Are we going to get sued? Oooh, so much anticipation... <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css>~ File:Pointy.png 18:51, 5 Jeremy 2011

Very gooth.--Colonel Sanders/Colonel Battaleaxe 13:15, 6 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
It didn't happen. I was wrong/failed miserably. What else is new... <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css>~ File:Pointy.png 15:25, 6 Jeremy 2011

Not much. Everyone fails at Uncle Pete. You did countless times. I only did a few. I gave up. You didn't. No one can write satir to their standards, I suppose.--Colonel Sanders/Colonel Battaleaxe 17:39, 6 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
Meh, folks can. Just takes doing. Not that I've written anything in over a month... <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css>~ File:Pointy.png 20:53, 6 Jeremy 2011

Quite. I haven't written anything for a while here either, partly due to my "pseudo-retirement" and laziness. I should get back to it.--Colonel Sanders/Colonel Battaleaxe 17:44, 7 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
But you could be a useless lump like me! Don't you want to be a useless lump? <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css>~ File:Pointy.png 06:52, 8 Jeremy 2011

I could. And I have in 2011. All I have produced is a news article on the new year and I updated the horoscopes. Meh, I need to keep the article count up by grunting crap out.--Colonel Sanders/Colonel Battaleaxe 18:39, 8 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
Why not grunt out non-crap? Sometimes you do. <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css>~ File:Pointy.png 21:32, 8 Jeremy 2011

Like what?--Colonel Sanders/Colonel Battaleaxe 02:29, 9 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
I don't remember. <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css>~ File:Pointy.png 17:35, 10 Jeremy 2011

Meh.--Colonel Sanders/Colonel Battaleaxe 18:17, 10 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)

How sex is related to math:

"Add the right mood, subtract the clothes, divide the legs and mulitply." --4skin 12:00, 15 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)

Kay.....--Colonel Sanders/Colonel Battaleaxe 13:31, 15 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)


( File:Monkey-butler.jpg Island Monkey - Throw a banana 18:27, 19 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
What are we "yaying" about?--Colonel Sanders/Colonel Battaleaxe 18:29, 19 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
I dunno. File:Monkey-butler.jpg Island Monkey - Throw a banana 18:34, 19 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)


What do you have against my articles, hmm? <css> .nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css>~ File:Pointy.png 23:26, 22 Jeremy 2011

Wait, you wrote articles? Oh, I mean, what are you referring to that would imply that I dislike your articles?--Colonel Sanders/Colonel Battaleaxe 13:49, 23 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
Colonel, you naughty boy... File:Monkey-butler.jpg Island Monkey - Throw a banana 13:52, 23 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
Eh?--Colonel Sanders/Colonel Battaleaxe 13:53, 23 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
I mean, Athyria could whack you 'round the face... File:Monkey-butler.jpg Island Monkey - Throw a banana 13:55, 23 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
Wait, this is Uncle Pete, where adminz can block you for absolutely no good reason? I have committed no wrongdoing that is in violation of The Commandments or other such legislation. What did I even do?--Colonel Sanders/Colonel Battaleaxe 13:58, 23 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
No, it's just Athyria. File:Monkey-butler.jpg Island Monkey - Throw a banana 13:59, 23 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
Meh. But I still have no clue what I did.--Colonel Sanders/Colonel Battaleaxe 14:01, 23 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
Meh. Meh. Meh. File:Monkey-butler.jpg Island Monkey - Throw a banana 14:02, 23 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
What did I do?--Colonel Sanders/Colonel Battaleaxe 14:03, 23 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)


Nothin' bro. File:Monkey-butler.jpg Island Monkey - Throw a banana 14:06, 23 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)

Good!--Colonel Sanders/Colonel Battaleaxe 14:08, 23 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
I'm just wondering why you keep putting WAE on them... *shifty eyes* So you just don't like them, eh? <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css>~ File:Pointy.png 17:00, 23 Jeremy 2011

Meh, it's not really that, I just felt like it. And by the way, I put WAE on more of my own articles than I did yours.--Colonel Sanders/Colonel Battaleaxe 19:55, 23 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
So you're saying you don't like either of ours? <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css>~ File:Pointy.png 20:28, 23 Jeremy 2011

Nort really. I'm just saying that all the crap that I write and those two or so of yours I nominated were WAE worthy. Meh.--Colonel Sanders/Colonel Battaleaxe 20:32, 23 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
Hmph. <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css>~ File:Pointy.png 20:55, 23 Jeremy 2011

Rwtsh lol!

SPAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM File:Monkey-butler.jpg Island Monkey - Throw a banana 08:55, 4 Farbleum 2011 (UTC)

Egads! Not only do they hate you on enwiki, they hate you on simple too! Ouch. I wonder why those conservafreaks love you so much, as to make you teh adminz in a few days. Maybe once I finish the Weird Al series and do something productive on simple, I should apply. I am already teh admins on RW.--Colonel Sanders/Colonel Battaleaxe 14:40, 4 Farbleum 2011 (UTC)
Yes, I WILL RISE TO TEH TOP SOMEHOW, wonder what I can do with PHP...I mean I could be considered evil already DoSing ED... File:Monkey-butler.jpg Island Monkey - Throw a banana 15:54, 4 Farbleum 2011 (UTC)
Wait...oh no. File:Monkey-butler.jpg Island Monkey - Throw a banana 15:58, 4 Farbleum 2011 (UTC)
Erm...why don't you vote for me? You're clearly moaning and I NEED VOTES. File:Monkey-butler.jpg Island Monkey - Throw a banana 16:07, 4 Farbleum 2011 (UTC)
I would, but am too lazy to log into simple. Maybe I will go ahead and do so.--Colonel Sanders/Colonel Battaleaxe 17:52, 4 Farbleum 2011 (UTC)
You've done it! That's a good boy... File:Monkey-butler.jpg Island Monkey - Throw a banana 19:13, 4 Farbleum 2011 (UTC)

You, is it really you?

I used to eat your chicken. I'm a vegan now, mostly, and for sure a vegetarian, but when I ate corpses many of the corpses I ate were from your stores! You cook them really good. Can hardly tell they're seasoned dead things. Yummmmmmmmmmmm. Good to meat, ah, meet you. Aleister 00:10 6-2-'11

Ja, jeg er Colonel Sanders. Jeg glæder mig, at du engang spiste min lækre kylling, men hvorfor har du slutter dig til den veganske kult? Min døde krydret kylling er lækker og markedsføres meget godt. Godt at møde dig så godt, en, der er lænket.--Colonel Sanders/Colonel Battaleaxe 02:23, 6 Farbleum 2011 (UTC)
You and your languages... rien etyal? <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css>~ File:Pointy.png 17:03, 11 Farbleum 2011

You aren't fond of my Danespeak, are you?--Colonel Sanders/Colonel Battaleaxe 00:42, 12 Farbleum 2011 (UTC)
It can get annoying when overdone. You know how cooking is. <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css>~ File:Pointy.png 01:42, 15 Farbleum 2011

DAS UND!! DAS UND!! File:Monkey-butler.jpg Island Monkey - Throw a banana 08:23, 15 Farbleum 2011 (UTC)
Whuh?--Colonel Sanders/Colonel Battaleaxe 14:35, 15 Farbleum 2011 (UTC)
HVAD????!!! File:Monkey-butler.jpg Island Monkey - Throw a banana 16:44, 15 Farbleum 2011 (UTC)
Yarp. <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css>~ File:Pointy.png 17:09, 15 Farbleum 2011

Så, en danske, hvad?

Det sa du ikke et ord om sist jeg så deg. Ja, for du ER dansk, ikke sant? Går ikke rundt og lyver til tante Munter og søster-røsteren hennes, gjør du vel? Men du burde så absolutt jobbe med gramatikken din, kjære deg. Noen av disse linjene var meget... rare. Og jeg mener ikke det på den svenske måten. Uansett... Det er jo riktig sjovt med noen ord fra naboene fra tid til annen. Skål! ^^ ~ Ellemerr Daydreams & Nightmares 01:11, 20 Farbleum 2011 (UTC)


Oh, and that's Norwegian. GRAMMAR NAZI!--Colonel Sanders/Colonel Battaleaxe 02:34, 20 Farbleum 2011 (UTC)

Selvfølgelig er det norsk. Hva tar du meg for? Jeg er en datter av fjellene, av snøen og nordlyset. Jeg kunne aldri vært dansk. And grammar nazi? Puh-lease. All I did was drop a friendly piece of advice... If I really were a grammar nazi, I'd have pointed out your mistakes for you. Like how "du idiot" sounds like a bad translation of the English "you idiot", and it should have been "din idiot". Things like that. But I didn't point it out. Because I'm such a nice person.
Tax release, though? Isn't that a bit... wild and off topic? I might as well yell/type with caps HØYESTERETTSJUSTITIARIUS! and it would make just as much sense. Men jeg antar at det er å forvente. Dette stedet er jo ikke akkurat laget for logikk. Likevel... av alle de ulogiske ordene du kunne ha valgt, hvorfor akkurat dette? Hvorfor ikke noe mer koselig, som... KONGELIG OVERHOFFBONESKUREMESTER! Now that is a nice word. ~ Ellemerr Daydreams & Nightmares 10:39, 20 Farbleum 2011 (UTC)
Drivel....--Colonel Sanders/Colonel Battaleaxe 17:53, 22 Farbleum 2011 (UTC)