The Lost Gold of the Shiney Stewart

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One day Vargramptus was walking on the dock of death next to the Bay of Bengal and saw the purple fairy of death from the northeast. Vargramptus axed the purple fairy of death from the northeast.

Vargramptus axed the fairy into three piles – one pile was called “things fairies die without”. In this pile was things like fairy hearts and fingernails. The second pile was called “things fairies don’t need”. In this pile was the fairies face etc. The third pile was called “eat me”. So Vargramptus ate it and grew wings and flew away.

Vargramptus flew to the magical forest of wildernessless where he flew into a tree. When the poor bastard woke up, he realized that he had been teleported to Maxlaxicticness – The underwater city that no one knows about, probably because it sucks. The city Maxlaxicticness sucked because all the people there did math for fun. They enjoyed their pi’s and thetas and muuus. Vargramptus hated it there. So he tore off his magical wings and ate the nearest Slim Joey and grew some flippers on his feet.

He left the math emporium-city and started swimming back thru the Bay of Bengal. As he was swimming he got attached by a stingray. A little friendly puffer fish swam to his rescue, puffed his body up and scared off the creature. After that he made friends with the fish. He named it Puff Daddy. Puff Daddy was swimming thru the ocean, and got attached by an electric eel who shocked him and ate him. The eel accidentally swam into a poisonous coral patch and was slowly digested. The coral was run into by the titanic and broke up. A giant whale was eating plankton and people and accidentally ate parts of the coral that was floating around. The coral fizzed up in the whale’s stomach like Alka-Seltzer in a seagull. The whale exploded and a giant piece of flying blubber landed inside a radioactive igloo in Egypt and the sun obliterated the entire country and a chunk of the Nile river smashed into the has planet of Mars and blew up and shrapnel showered the galaxy causing a chain reaction which cause other galaxies to implode and life which was never worth finding would never be found. Cause they are all dead.

And all that stupid crap distracted me and I stubbed my toe. You are so rude leave me alone. And the eggplant shaped skeletons found the lost gold of the Shiny Stewart. Then they ate Vargramptus. He was good.