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An A grade if ever I saw one

Death was a course available to GCSE and A-Level students. The subject had no coursework, and to pass all the pupil had to do was die in the allotted exam time, using nothing but the test paper given, their pencils and optionally a calculator. (No lids). Any blood or organs spilled onto other students desks was considered cheating and resulted in that student forfeiting their grade. The two years of study before largely consisted of advanced paper cutting techniques, suppressing their immune system and establishing a complex mobile phone copying ring. Many took the exam early. Despite the all-round good grades achieved, a reported 0% of graduates went on to future employment and the subject was subsequently discontinued.

Anything else?

You can also acquire Death from eating Death Cheese and bringing it on down. The most important fact of the Five Seals is: NOT EVEN DEATH CAN SAVE YOU FROM ME!!!

Death and Time

Death has close connections with time. They can be used together to form deathtime, which is used since 2107i. Time is used with death using the powerful RANDOM+++ computer in the forest.

Flavors of death

The most common flavors of death are:

  • Grilled salsa
  • Salt & Vinegar
  • Ranch dressing
  • Garlic
  • Sour Cream

Though, local variations occur. Most notably, the most popular flavor of death in Mexico is Music. In Europe, death is most commonly served with a cold tomato soup, otherwise unflavored or pickled.

This article is part of the

DeathDeadDyingDiedNew DeathPeople who are deadList of Dead PeopleKillKilldèHow to die
Top 10 ways to dieThis article causes deathDeath CheeseDeath by toasterThe hex code of death
Dead but still doing stuffNoodle of deathThe Ultimate Destructo Death MachineThe gnomes plotting your death
The fly's deadI'm dying!How to be only slightly deadDeath by sparrowTHE CURSED WIKI ARTICLE
Wave of babiesDeadnessList of Reasons Not To Kill You In Cold Blood Right Where You Stand
Everybody will die.Canned DeathThere is a killer in your house     Add >>>