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If you want to die, first of all, you could just read Top 10 ways to die. To be honest, it would be easier for me and you. But if you still insist on reading this to find out how to die, then I'd better stop putting die in bold.

Common Questions

Why would I die?

To be honest, it would make the world a better place if you died.

How do I die?

I'm coming on to that.

Are there any ways to die that don't require reading this article?


How To Die

If you want to know how to die, send £99999999999999999999999999999999999999999.99 and one soul to Cthulhu. Or alterntively commit suicide.

Installing... Please wait...

First of all, you need a sense of humour, which is installing right now. That's HUMOUR, NOT HUMOR, the completely wrong spelling. Of course, if you had humour, you probably wouldn't have been reading this article. Close your eyes and remember the last time you laughed. NO PEEKING!

Second of all, you need to clear up all of these error boxes: eRROR! ERROR! debug.


Now you have no more errors and a sense of humour. Now read Top 10 ways to die and choose one of those methods. Alternatively read on.

File:Lightbulb jon phillips 01.svg  Big Jim's Top Tip

Remember to dial the exact right number.

To die dial 0800-54432-55432-67326-32784-74257-46646-54435-34657-47285-83582-58378-45637-84756-39845-IWANNADIE!!!1!!!ELEVEN!!! After dialling you will die of Carpal tunnel syndrome, or something like that.

Tranzlation into Amerikan from via English

If you want to diearify, first of all, you could just erad Top 10 wayz to diearify. To be honest, it would be easier for me and you. But if you still insist on erading this to find out how to diearify, then I'd better stop putting diearify in bold.

Common Kstionz

Why would I diearify?

To be honest, it would mak the world a better place if you diearified.

How do I diearifie?

I'm coming on to that.

Aer theer any wayz to diearify that don't erquier erading this article?


How To Diearify

If you want to know how to diearify, send $99999999999999999999999999999999999999999.99 and one soul to Cthulu. Or alterntively commit suicide.

First of all, you need a sense of humor, which is installing right now. That's HUMOR, NOT HUMOUR, the completely wrong spelling. Of course, if you had humor, you probably wouldn't have been erading this article.

Second of all, you need to clear up all of these error boctez... ERRor! ERROR ! ERROR! debugify.


File:Lightbulb jon phillips 01.svg  Big Jim's Top Tip

Ermember to dialarify the exact right number.

Now you have no moer errorz and a sense of humor. Now erad Top 10 ways to diearify and choose one of those methods. Alternatively erad on.

To diearify, dialify 0800-54432-55432-67326-32784-74257-46646-54435-34657-47285-83582-58378-45637-84756-39845-IWANNADIEARIFY!!!1!!!ELEVEN!!! After dialifieing you will diearify of Carpal tunnel syndrome, or something like that.

Life After Life After Death in the Afterlife; How to Survive in the Afterlife

Oh wait, you can't, cause you're already dead. So there can't be an afterlife "survival guide" because if you survived, it wouldn't be the afterlife now would it. U can't touch dis!!

This article is part of the

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