Victory Speech

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This is the transcript from Mac MacDoogal's victory speech after he won mayor of some Maine town
Yeah! Bitchess! I won! So suck my god damn nuts and chop of your dicks 'cause it's party time in Augusta 'cause this election is over. To my opposing candidate, Roger E. Roger, you just got ROMPED! Yeah! I'm feelin' good right now. I could really go for some malt scotch, a bit of Jack Daniels' perhaps? Oh so now you're saying I can't drink on the job well guess what? I'm the fuckin' mayor so no one can tell me what to do!! Woo!!! I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna take my shirt off! Woo!! Man; I am feelin' good today! I gotta get me some Taiwanese hookers 'cause I need some action! Boy it feels good to be mayor of this beautiful town. So all of you retards out there that voted for me; thanks. Free beers for all of ye! Woohoo! I love life! It feels so good to be the mayor of this town of Aug- Augusty? Wait- no. Augusto? No... What's it again? Augusta? Yea, yea. It's great to be mayor of Augusta! Woo! You're all faggots! And I'm gonna throw up I drank so much! Yeehah!