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WEEEEEEEEEE! can mean many things. Most people say WEEEEEEEEEE! when going down a slide at an extremely high speed, so fast that it may even scorch their backside, leaving all but black remains scraped all over the slide and them feeling pretty hollow. Pretty hollow.

WEEEEEEEEEE! also can mean WEEEEEEEE! as in PEEEEEEEEE! except as in WEEEEEEEEE! I'm serious. If you go to the toilet, you shall see a lot of WEEEEEEEEE! as in PEEEEEEEEE! but as in WEEEEEEEEE! Man, that's a lot of E's. I don't get much E's today. Back in the days, we used to get lots of EEEEEEEEEE'S. It usually came from girls screaming because they saw:

  • A cool celebrity.
  • A celebrity.
  • Something exciting.
  • Something that makes you shout E.
  • Michael Jackson's face.

Or maybe, they saw someone dead. Bah, like that matters.

It probably does.

True dat. But not too true dat. But then again if I asked you if someone dying matters, you'd probably saying:

"If it was someone related to me, then yes. If not, then no."

You horrible, unkind, unkind, horrible, (adjective used to describe mean-ness here), horrible, unkind, (same adjective) fellow. Ahhh, then again if you were WEEEEEEE! you'd probably say something else.

Or not. True dart.


Well anyway, back on track. WEEEEEE!! also meabs going down a slide covered in wee. You may have heard the joke where a genie aska three kids, what they want as they come down the slide. One says gold, the other says food, and the other says pie.

Nope, never heard of it? Ah, bummer. You probably heard the other one where the chicken crossed the road and the train ran over him, and he said "Ah, that was a railroad." .....Not that either? Ah, bummer. Hey have you heard the one about the deaf man? He didn't hear it!!!! Because he couldn't!!!!!!! AHA HA HA HA HA....haven't heard that one either?


So enough about cruddy jokes, you know what WEEEEE! means, now go away.

An interesting fact F.Y.I

Weeeeeeeee! has 9 e's! Though I probably don't put that in every WEEEEEEEEE! I write.

REASON? I don't bother.