What did you say?

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I once met this guy kicking this other guy, so I told him to stop kicking the other guy, because that guy that was being kicked, didn't have a "I can be kicked" license, cause he was like under 18, so I like told that guy who was kicking that other guy, to stop kicking the guy who was being kicked.

"Hey dude, stop kicking that guy, cause like he doesn't have, erm... a license to be kicked!"

"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"Ok, I'll explain. In order to be kicked, one must be holding a "I can be kicked license". Then, one must issue it at the station of kickeries, hence he is now a fully fledged victim of kicks. If one does not have a license, one may not be kicked. Hence, someone being kicked by someone who is kicking someone who does not have a license for being kicked, cannot possibly be kicked. Hence, this is called illegal. ILLEGAL! . So, if you could just mind, I would advise you to not kick the victim over here, who is being kicked, by someone who is kicking a person with no license for being kicked, hence he cannot be kicked, and what you are doing is illegal, could you just step away from the person you are kicking, who cannot possibly be kicked. You could go get him a license, so he could be kicked, i would appreciate if you did it. I could have the police after you, so just step away."

"Say it again, please, so I can catch what you're saying."

"Uh...fine, here goes. OK, I'll explain. In order to be kicked, one must be holding a "I can be kicked license". Then, one must issue it at the station of kickeries, hence he is now a fully fledged victim of kicks. If one does not have a license, one may not be kicked. Hence, someone being kicked by someone who is kicking someone who does not have a license for being kicked, cannot possibly be kicked. Hence, this is called illegal. ILLEGAL! . So, if you could just mind, I would advise you to not kick the victim over here, who is being kicked, by someone who is kicking a person with no license for being kicked, hence he cannot be kicked, and what you are doing is illegal, could you just step away from the person you are kicking, who cannot possibly be kicked. You could go get him a license, so he could be kicked, I would appreciate if you did it. I could have the police after you, so just step away. There, are you satisfied?"

"I can't hear you, you see I'm deaf. (Continues kicking guy)"

(I strangle him)

End of story.

See also