What people are

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People are cool things with mouths and eyes and stuffs that animals have but they're different. And people are anked with clothes on. How wierd. I'm a pig that knows latin. Wannah hear me? Eopepay on'tday avehay ailstay, orway outssnay, orway awsclay,

ellway ortasay eythay avehay ubbystay ittlelay almandsway orfay

ailsnay. mmmmmmay almandsway ithway ippedwhay eamcray andway

udmay andway annasbay andway everythingway inway ethay orldway!

mmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmay

I wonder if people eat almands... I'll go ask the farmer what they eat! He knows all about people! What a genius!!!! SNORT SNORT SNORT!!!!