User:T3canolis/What the hellk?

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"What the hellk?"
A novel in conversation.
And the sequel to Are you Freaking Kidding Me?

Chapter 1

Johnny: I think the defibrillator paddles are working
Bob: C'mon T3! You can make it!
T3: Holy shit. I'm alive. What's this faggot doing here?
Johnny: Um... I just saved your life.
T3: No I will not buttfuck you.
Bob: What happened to the asterisks for swearing?
Johnny: Well over the time where these articles were made, he slowly started swearing more in his articles and now he's...
T3: Fuck fuck fuck!
Johnny: See?
Bob: I guess so. Why wasn't there swearing in my article.
T3: Because you suck.
Bob: When did he become so obnoxious?
Johnny: He always was. He just didn't show it.
T3: Get out of my house you two.
Johnny: We're not leaving. We have a sequel to participate in.
T3: Sequel??? Kool!!! HAXXORZ FTW!!!
Johnny: What the hellk?
Bob: Just because it's the title doesn't mean you have to say it.
Johnny: Mother fucking god dammit! That's my line.
Bob: When did you start swearing?
T3: Remember the whole, "I'm writing this" business. If I swear, he swears.
Bob: Makes sense. I gotta go, um... I'm not going to a gay-sex orgy.
T3: You're going to a gay-sex orgy, aren't you?
Bob: How did you know?
T3: I've been called a psychic before.
Johnny: It's clearly because he's writing all of this.
T3: Oh rain on my god damn parade, why don'cha Johnny? You should tag along with him. Gay sex seems like your thing.
Johnny: C'mon Bob, let's go.
T3: Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!

Chapter 2

T3: Oh this shenanigan again... Being alone.
T3: Now I have to put my name again when I'm done with the thought.
T3: Oh well...
HAXXOR: r u hre?
T3: Haxxor?
T3: I'd appreciate it if you were to type in complete sentences.
HAXXOR: no cn do
T3: Very well then.
HAXXOR: did u no my hax r 1337?
T3: Ugh... Yes I did. By the way, that was a complete sentence though the grammar was off.
HAXXOR: sht nw i mst kll mslf.
T3: Are you serious?
HAXXOR: du i lk srius?
T3: I don't know, you're like 9 years old.
HAXXOR: ya bt in haxxor tme im liek 20
T3: What the fuck is haxxor time?
HAXXOR: it mezurz ur 1337 hax and maks thm in2 yrs
T3: You made that up right now, didn't you?
HAXXOR: no i ddnt. itz tru blv me.
T3: So let me get this straight. You're a nine year old who claims he must kill himself because of some haxxor thing.
T3: That's just ridiculous.
HAXXOR: u no wut els iz rdculs?
T3: Ugh... what?
HAXXOR: tht ur ghey
T3: You're a faggot. You know what? Goodbye HAXXOR.
HAXXOR: wut? nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Chapter 3

T3: Once again I'm alone. FUCKING great.
Person: Are you T3canolis?
T3: Yessir.
Person: I want to let you know that I am very displeased that you revealed the secret to a book I was reading in one of your articles.
Person: Yes. And please stop calling me person. My name is Eric.
T3: I love typical names.
Eric: I suppose that's why my name's Eric. Do I really need to go over the "I'm writing this" business.
T3: So about that article... Sorry. I assumed everyone knew.
Eric: But you know what happens when you assume, right?
T3: You make an ass out of u and me.
Eric: No. Who told you that? When you assume you look like an idiot.
T3: I always assumed everyone knew that adage.
Eric: Everyone knows my adage.
T3: Quite honestly, I've never heard it. But anyway, let's get down to business. I'm sorry.
Eric: Sorry doesn't fucking cut it. I'm suing.
T3: Suing? On what grounds?
Eric: The grounds of the Supreme Court.
T3: Ugh... I mean what charges. And also; the Supreme Court?
Eric: They were the only ones to handle a case this delicate.
T3: Delicate? Delicate?
Eric: Everyone knows it's bad enough when you don't put a spoiler alert in the title but to put a spoiler in the title itself... Tsk, tsk, tsk.
T3: I can't believe this. You're suing me over something that everyone already knew.
Eric: Apparently not everyone.
T3: Well anyway... Who's representing you?
Eric: My husband Paul... Oh Paul, so sweet and sexy.
T3: Mother fucking god dammit! WHY IS EVERYONE GAY??
Eric: You're writing this; remember?
T3: Oh bah!
Eric: It's true, face the facts. Anyway; the court date is November 5th; be there.
T3: I will.
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