Who left their sandwich on the radiator?

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The beauty of this sandwich has been forever soiled by the hot, steamy, evil radiator of sandwichy doom!

I mean really, just look at that thing!

That is the ugliest thing I've ever seen! And I'm having guests over tonight to! I could lose friends over this! Just think about it! No one wants to be friends with someone who has a melted sandwich on thier radiator. That's just gross. Just think about that old saying, "Those who have melted sandwichs on thier radiator get... An elephant that never forgets..." Well, I can't remember the end. But it was bad. I know that. Either way, I don't want that there! It could take me tens of minutes to clean that up! I bet I'll even have to use my good rubber gloves!

I'm coming after you Chris!

I bet it was Chris! That mother fucker! I always knew he was a bad dude. No regard for where he places his sandwiches! Ohh! I'll get him for this! You'll see! I don't know when, where, or how, but rest assured I'll get him some how. Maybe on his fourth birthday. Yeah, that's when I'll do it, on his fourth birthday. He'll be so happy, untill I show up. Yessiree bob, I'll make him pay for the soiling of this sandwich, and the ruining of my dinner party!

Oh no! What if my radiator is broken?!? I just heard it make some kind of hissing sound, that can't be good! I don't have enough money for a new radiator!

I'll have to steal one! Then I'll have to go on the run! Cover my tracks, live in the shadows, maybe even change my name! No one can know who I am. I'll need a new disguise every day. I may even...

Oh no wait, false alarm, it still works.

I'm still angry about the sandwich though. Fucking Chris...