Whose Umbrella Is This?

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I Found It Lying Around Earlier

It would prove to be futile but maybe I should post something on Craigslist searching for the owner?

It's Quite Ruined, But Could Hold Some Memorable Place In Someone's Heart

If you knew, would you return it? Or would you keep it, not hoping to help out someone else?

Also Has Holes, This Little Black Umbrella Does

Should I repair it? Or leave it the way it is for the owner to care for it?

Perhaps A Strange Occurrence, But It Is Starting To Rain

I wouldn't want to spoil this object further, but I hate to get wet.

It Has A Name Tag On It !

It says "Herbert Grangley" on the little piece of paper attached.

My Name Is Herbert Grangley

Wait a second, really?

I Have Memory Loss

Guess it's mine...

What Am I Holding?


Whose umbrella is this?