Witch procedure

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There-eth are many-eth procedures to test-eth whether or not-eth ye be-eth a witch-eth. If ye be-eth a witch-eth, ye shall be tortured.

Procedure 1-eth

Ye be-eth tossed into ye olde river-eth. If ye float-eth, ye be-eth a witch-eth. If ye sink-eth, then ye drown-eth.

Procedure 2-eth

Ye touch-eth a red-hot-eth bar. Ye will-eth be-eth horribly burnt-eth. If ye olde burns do not-eth heal in the next-eth three days-eth, ye be-eth a witch-eth. If ye heal, then ye possess-eth healing powers and ye be-eth a witch-eth.

Final-eth procedure

If ye first two procedures don't-eth work, then ye shall-eth be-eth tried in court-eth. If the lawyer ye hired sucks-eth, then ye be-eth a witch-eth. Also the lawyer will-eth be hanged-eth for being-eth a bad lawyer