Your face
Your face; among the ugliest things among the ugliest things among the ugliest things among the ugliest things among the ugliest things among the ugliest things among the ugliest things among the ugliest things among the ugliest things . . . your ugly-ass face made me forget what I was saying. Because it's ugly.
Oh yeah, that's what I was what I was what I was what I was what I was what I was what I was what I was what I was ... ASSHOLE! LIKE WHAT YOUR FACE LOOKS LIKE! WHAT YOUR FACE LOOKS LIKE! WHAT YOUR FACE LOOKS LIKE! WHAT YOUR FACE LOOKS LIKE! WHAT YOUR FACE LOOKS LIKE! WHAT YOUR FACE LOOKS LIKE! Yes, what your face, which is ugly, looks like. [insert recurring joke about your face being ugly here] [insert recurring joke about your face being ugly here] [insert recurring joke about your face being ugly here] [insert recurring joke about your face being ugly here][insert recurring joke about your face being ugly here] [insert recurring joke about your face being ugly here] [insert recurring joke about your face being ugly here] [insert recurring joke about your face being ugly here].
I'm going to go kill myself now. Thanks for causing that, douche.
Oh, by the way, it isn't the greatest in Korodai.