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▓ is also known as:

  • Chain mail.
  • Flywire.
  • Security door.
  • Black with white dots.
  • Mesh shirt.
  • Zoomed away view of a 1940s beehive.
  • Hexagon orgy.
  • The official symbol of the Fnurdle
  • Distorted chessboard.
  • Barbed wire.
  • Shoeprint.
  • Drawbridge door.
  • A cow's face after being hit in the head with a waffle iron
  • A pointless waste of Unicode space.
  • A pattern
  • Spilt ink
  • Monochrome Flag of the Libyan Republic
  • Mega naughts and crosses board
  • A bad excuse to make a lame list

Or maybe it's just a black square with some dots.

Yeah, let's just say that.


Use well with a dip of toiletmilk and a scowler. Copyright infringements mean that on Fridays and Saturdays the logo is blank.

Letters of Sanity:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Letters of Insanity:
| | ? | ! | & | $ | £ |Ð | | | | Lmao Elemeno | ß | | ᏴᏑ | | | | | ۩ | | æ | | ʘ | | | * | | Ψ | | | |