48 Hours, Season 2: Episode 1

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Excuse me ma'am, I'm Detective John Kimble. I'm looking into the murder of Big Loc.

Big Loc got shot!


I want to ask you a bunch of questions

Big Loc was apparently with a guy by the name of "Catfish" when he got shot. He and Catfish went on a route and then went to Muhammad's Liquor where somebody came up to him with a gun. Catfish took off and Big Loc got shot in the face 47 times with a Ruger. If we can't find the killer then we're going to have to rule this as a suicide.

Oh my Lord!

Well I know Big Loc used to teach blind children Taekwondo at 612 Wharf Ave.

We already busted the shoe factory

I think.

And about Catfish...

I think his last name is Creedenceclearwaterrevival. Also, did you find a yellow hamster cage? I let Big Loc borrow it and I need it back.

