A Brief History of Nationalist Propaganda

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'God said "Let there be some über crazy explosion duude, I'm bored," and it was. It wasn't that good, but it satisfied him nonetheless, and God said: "Awesome."
'and henceforth, surfing was invented, and it pleased God.
'and unto Nationalist Propaganda was bestowed giant thumbs. These thumbs eventually evolved into Homo Erectus, our people today.
'for some time, the thumbs were displeased and disillusioned. This was because they were Jewish.
'so as a mini-favour in return for eternal dominion, god bestowed unto Nationalist Propaganda McDonald's, to be run by Jesus, some dude who once won a goat on the lottery, a game invented by Kevin der Kuranier.
'and the thumbs of Nationalist Propaganda praised God, oh how they praised, for they knew eternal hell was waiting below.
'the last thing God did, on the seventh day, was to accidentally invent cheese after storing large amounts of lactate in his pigeon-hole.
'and the thumbs of Nationalist Propaganda praised God, oh how they praised, for they knew eternal hell was waiting below.
'eventually however, the cheese turned into a particularly poor form of humour on illogicopedia.
'now everyone is an atheist. It's all god's fault really.
'and everyone lived happily ever after,

See also