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Anime is a noun that has started many, many, wars among such subjects as politics and religion.

So to keep a neutral POV we will split the article into two parts.

anime lovers say

Anime is a legitimate art form. So much love and care goes into it. Some people say it's perverted and stuff but they just don't get the point. It's really the most beautiful thing ever. Detractors are all weak-minded individuals and shall never reach a higher plane. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go try (again) to summon my hot shinigami so she'll show me how to do a ki blast and get revenge on all those weak idiots. You really can do that you know, have you ever seen Buddist mystics? I'm pretty sure it'll be even easier for me since I'm part Saiyan. Those exist too.

anime haters say

Japanese cartoons are fucking gay and only queer fags like them. Dude, cartoons are for gay babies and retards and anime is the same, except this is for pervs who are also babies like Michael Jackson. Lol, Michael Jackson iz fuhnny. Hey, you ever wonder what would happen if I ride a bouncy ball in the middle of the train tracks? I bet those anime fuckers wouldn't have thought of that, they're too busy jacking off to anime to do anything with their lives. nerds. I'm gonna go try tha- Ooh! Shiny!


“All of them are smart, and strong, and they have great personalities... Except for the girls, but they're hot.”

- Anime lover

“They're emos! All of them are either emo or gay, tell me one who is not gay or an emo! THERE AREN'T ANY”

- Anime hater

The characters in animes are basically like those in other cartoons, except that they remember the lessons they learn in episodes, and they die. Ho boy do they die, they're all probly ghosts by now...

The first-born son

This guy really reminds me of me, he is destined for greatness, but he is still a goof-off... when need be. Although he is often beaten up by small-minded, dark-souled, villains, he always gets back up in the face of sure death AND HE ALWAYS WINS.

Oh, this loser. Why does every anime have to have this loser? GIVE UP ALREADY! God, I bet you get no sex at all, too busy shooting energy blasts? I could kick your butt because I play football.

The torso

I don't think I need to say any more here, just feast your eyes boys B). Don't pay too much attention, you'll just get distracted, she doesn't do much, but she provides excellent harem for the hero!

This chick don't get NOTHIN' on hustla! If you think she's hot, you think Minnie Mouse is hot... I know I don't think she's hot... Do you think she's hot? ...I thought so.

The bound woman

lol. I bet you don't get it but all the times she's in danger isn't bad writing IT'S FANSERVICE. lolhinthintwinkwink and it's a legitimate reason for watching he show because in Japan they actually have good shows like this that appeal to people with specialized tastes like me. Get it?

Ok, now this is the reason I don't watch this shit (but not the only one DUH), this whiny whiner is always whining about sOMETHING because she always gets captured or some stupid crap... and nothing happens! She just sits there and whine, whine whines while I cange the channel... and when I get back it's always a commercial... BECAUCE THAT'S THE ONLY THING THE SHOW IS

The withered lover

Now see, his is what gives anime a deep angle and makes it better than the stupid american entertainment! Look at all the shows where the main characters have someone they love who has died... now look at AMERICAN cartoons and won't see hardly any of that! Plots like this always have at least the one episode that moves me to tears, and most anime has it, which is why it's BETTER THAN YOU.

MORE EMO CRAP. Gee, who would have thought that there would be someone who DIES in anime (which are supposed to be CARTOONS btw, for KIDS) and takes up too much time by having someone still love them even though their dead! Get real asians and get over it, I bet none of you have had your fathers die. I got over that easy, maybe if it happened to you you would grow a penis too and get over the stupid chick who dies!

The torn prince

Poor, poor guy, believes himself to be destined for greatness, but keeps getting beat! Doesn't he know that only the hero wins everything? The best thing about this character is that he takes the already complicated loves stories and makes them even more complicated! At the end the big conflict is which female will the hero take and which female will this guy take (even though seasoned fans like me know exactly who is supposed to go to who ;) )

This guy is just as annoying as the hero, but I don't hate him because he doesn't win his fights like a pussy! This doesn't mean I like the show or anything, he's a total rip off of Rocky.

The angry princess

If there was ever a "tough" female character to appeal to "tough" females out there it would be this one. Eve though she can be annoying and beat up the hero many times there are some moments when she acts all normal, and probably hooks up with the second coolest heroic character in the end

Okay, then here's this bitch; why's she gotta be so bitchy? I guess it's because it's anime. If this girl was near me I don't care how tough she was I'd beat her up just for talking to me!

The pilgrimess

This character is not very important but still brilliant comic relief! This lady is always very calm and weird and random even when everyone else is serious and freaking out; I have a fanclub dedicated to her lol ^_^

Dude, it's like they don't even care how weird it is but now they just throw some floating old witch chick in there like every other anime and make her do stupid things that don't even make sense in the scene!

The great child

If there's anyone more hilariously pathetic than the hero's sidekick it's the kid who just kids along just to do kid things and get in danger! Even though the kid can't do anything no matter what skills he gets however, he still makes for a lot better plots with a lot better lessons than when the main girl is kidnapped, even though those episodes are kind of boring and distract from the important character's development

This kid is whinier than the whiniest whiner in the entire whiny thing. He's a kid but instead of doing real kid things he goes out and does stupid anime things with the rest of the idiots doing whatever they're doing.

The dire mother

Another chick just thrown in for MILF fanservice, though she's usually a lot cooler than the other girls trying to be tougher than they are. The mom in the series is cool in her own way, by staying at the house and cooking meals for the heroes :)

If my mom was like this and didn't even care if her kid and friends went out and killed people I would never get in trouble for smoking pot... which proves how unrealistic anime is... I'm pissed now.

The hammer

This fool thinks he can beat a ki master because he has trained for all his life throwing rocks and things...

Now this is the stupidest part: The biggest guy always gets thrown by the skinny weakling! Don't they know it's impossible to beat someone who's bigger than you?

The jackal

Hold me! Touch me! A perfect combination of strength and sex-appeal! Of course when he dismembers and diembowels his opponents with black spirit rods he doesn't really mean it, he just wants to be loved and to be the greatest killer in the universe. He's a total teddy bear on the inside and since he doesn't like chicks, he's all mine...

And just when you thought it couldn't get any worse... it did. Is it a guy or a girl? Whatever it is, hje always has some messed up power that totally messes up peoples. And no one will kill him, no matter how much he kills other people and acts like a total emo! It's like one day he's a bad guy and another day he's good! That's dumb and it shows how dumb these guys are when it comes to good, consistant characters!

The juggernaut

A villain just as wicked as he is mysterious!

Dude, this guy is a disgrace to villains, he doesn't even talk like one! Why is he so calm? COBRAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • 1 - This episode takes place in the year ABDC. We find out hero mysteriously asking for ham and friendship through a desert of neon purple sand. This would all be very confusing to anyone not reading the previous 11 (unreleased) mangas, fortunately, I have. Though I don't know Japanese, I can make up a pretty good plot on my own.

I don't get it!