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- To be confused with Furby, lol
This is a dolphin, lol.
Lol lol'd, lol. This is because when lol lols lol lols hard, lol. I lol'd, you didn't, lol.
Once upon a time, inside an lol-ipop encasing a lol-t of spiders, lol, was once a lol called lol. He wasn't a very nice person, Ooooom, so therefore you must not only LOL@HIM but also Koala him. Lol. The moral of this Uber-fairytale is "LOL"
Famous Lolers
- Japanese Churchill impersonator : "Ror."
- Super Japan : "Rawr."
- Ultra Japan : "ROARRRRR!!!!!!!!"
- Elton John : "Ooh-la-lol!"
- Thierry Henry : "Va-Va-LOL"
- Mr. Blobby : "Bobby LOL"
- Jew : "Go awai"
- The Queen : "Lol not @me"
- Elvis Presley : "Lol@TheQueen"
- Microsoft : "Application Error: The instruction at "0x73e68c30" referenced memory at "0x02750028". The memory could not be "read". Lol, we'r richer thanU"
- That Guy Who Says Lol : "Rofl"
- Hitler : "Lol, IJUSTPWNEDTHEJ00S"
- Harry Potter : "I♥U RON, lol"
- Hare Krishna : "Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, lol"
- Giraffe : "LOL@MYLONGNECK"
- Human Rights Activist : "Don't abuse humans, lol"
- Dictator : "STFUlol"
- Subbuteo : "FUKURDAD lol"
- Sheep : "Baa, Lol"
- Random Gangsta From The Streets Of New York : "Lol, ho"
- Emo : "I'm gon kil mislef lol"
- Hesus : "I'm Jesus, lol"
- Jesus : "STFU Hesus u poser, lol."
- Barry Scott : "MUTHAFUKKIN' LOL, BITCH!"
- Snoop Dogg : "Lolizzle, Z-M-Double O-3 to da L-o-L"
- Iraqi : "WTF, I just got shot, lol"
- Iran : "WEWILLKILLUALL, lol"
- America : "Urfat, lol"
- Super America : "Ursuperfat, lol"
- Chuck Norris : "I won't even justify my feature in articles, they all suck, lol"]
- André Breton : "Heeey, I was gon say that, lol"
- Chuck Norris : "STFURMOM lol"
- André Breton : "*Cries* lol"
- Arnold Schwarzenegger : "ЛОЛ"
- Your Mum : "Woops, I wanted a girl/boy, lol"
- Your Dad : "STFU Your Mum, *whacks in the face*, lol"
- The Owner Of Tescos : "I own tescos, lol"
- Your Sister : "Ohnoes, mum just got pwned, lol"
- Your Brother : "Let's hav secks lol"
- Your Cousin (Male) : "I wanna join in lol, first I'll kill your mum tho, lol"
- Isaac Newton : "OMG this apple just pwnt my hair lol"
- Apple : "Thud, lol"
- Gravity : "OMG how did you find me, 13itch, lol"
- Isaac Newton : "Well, it's all because of..."
- Apple : "STFU"
- Pedantic : "Hey, that wasn't even a lol quote, lol"
- George Bush : "*shoots pedantic* lol"
- Captain Jean-Luc Picard : "Lol enterprise, lol."
- Weird Al : "ROTFLOL"
- The End : "lol"
- Warning: this article may offend Jews, Hitler, and curtains
- Laugh out loud
- Koala
- Koala's
- He, lol i love saying lol
- Lolwut
...part of the LOLOMGROFLWTFBBQLMAOZEDONG series... |