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Not to be confused with atheology, the study of God or the gods by atheists.

Atheistology is a branch of scientific science that is concerned with the study of Atheists by God. Basically, God gave them the Bible and expects them all to believe whatever it says, and when they don't, He's like "What the hell?" (quite literally) So, in an attempt to understand them, God launched into a whole new kind of scientific study using the scientific method to try and understand atheists by applying their own thought processes to themselves.


First, He had no problem creating controlled conditions because ... He can basically control all the conditions due to omnipotence. (We're ignoring omniscience for the moment because it's funnier that way) So He decided, "LOL lets bury some dinosaur bones, because I want to see cool dinosaur movies created by my servant Steven Spielberg" so He did. We should all be thankful that He didn't have to create zombies in order to inspire George Romero. Or maybe he did. Ooh, creepy, real zombies.

Um ... other stuff

So He decided, "OK these peoples don't believe in me. I know! I'll make a movie about it myself!" And thus, Expelled; No Intelligence Allowed was born, though even God admits that Ben Stein isn't anywhere near as creative as Spielberg. I mean, after all, Spielburg created Pinky & the Brain. Who can top that?

But apparently none of the atheists liked movies, so none of them went to see it, so that plan didn't work. Dangit!