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Hey you. Yesh you. Come closer boi. I'll tell you bois a story. See my face? Melted, right? There's a story behind this face, me bois. I gots burned, you see. Burned by that boi. The ben boi. You know! Bengay! Yeah, thats the one. Anyways. I was walking down the streets, y'know, streets? Yeah so then this Ben comes up the other ways wit' coke and some mentos. I say "You little boi, you gonna make a mess wit dose!". I makes a friendly gestures you see, tryna be nice so I could get some free foods. Anyway this boi looks at me wit' them eyes. Ill never forget those eyes. That boi with his fiery eyes. He looked at me and said "Fuck you motherfucka fucker who fucka his dogga who in fact hith motha that is when he aint fucka his dadda-dogga." He released dem coke and mentos in ma beautiful face, you see bois? Anyway later on that day I got burnt. Stay away from the kettle, kids.
Not to be confused with This Ben, who, for copyright reasons cannot say flobadob.
Don't confuse him with Bill either, for that matter. Need I say, the lawsuits are aplenty in this subject.

A day in the life of Bill and Ben (teh floorpot menz)

Bill: Flobadob. Flobadobdob.

Ben: Flobadob fuckoffadobdob

Bill: Sobadobdob

Ben: You're a nobadobdobdob

*Bill looks in the mirror, gasps, then fires a bullet straight through his temple.*

Ben: Meh <--- This goes to prove that Ben is a annoying little bugger and should be avoided at all costs.

Ben sucks

He really does. Whenever it starts to snow he always pissed in it and ruined our fun. Stupid twat. He enjoys watching blind people get hit by falling objects (such as Frogs, Trees and Crotch stains. The fact that he is a bigot who burns bus seats makes matters worse.