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This is me just talking about nothing. I like cybering in the chatroom. I got nothin else to say. BLAH.

This article is stupid. But its fun, so keep reading. or else

Reaction to such enlightenments

After much thought provoking thought, and funky proven thunks, I've come to the conclusion that this article contains the letter B, at some point. Hmmm, am I just some kind of ponce? --Testostereich(ballsack) 18:06, 17 Arply 2008 (UTC)

Further reaction to such enlightenments and initial reaction

Superman is dead. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 20:28, 17 Arply 2008 (UTC)
Oh Noes! Who else can stand after him? Who else can set a shining example of heroism and selflessness like him? Who else can keep tightly-fitting red underwear in fashion for over 3 decades? Oh well, I suppose the Rocky Horror Show is always there for that last one... --Testostereich(ballsack) 21:28, 17 Arply 2008 (UTC)

Further reaction to Further reaction

BAAGGGGH --Hey, its Maureen, don't profanitise in an excessive, yet accomodating manner with me! 17:40, 18 Arply 2008 (UTC)

Further reaction to silence

THIS IS FUN! I can haz echo....echo.....echo....cho.....ho.....o.... ......BLAHG...BLAGH...LAGH....AGH...GH...H... .....

This is posh. I can haz pile of flaming horse feces as long as i promise to moan every day.

Some one review this article before I moan you all with a pile of flaming horse feces!!!!!!

Further reaction to.... agh forget it I cant think of anything

This article is moaning funny, you pile of flaming horse fecess! So read it before I moan you with a pile of flaming horse feces!


You didn't read this article, you just skimmed it!

I shall pulverize you into teeny tiny posh pile of flaming horse fecess!

I'll do it! I will! HEY dont run away from me! I'll run after you! Aww, moan it, I'm too tired. I'll just sit here and mope. Yup, this is me, moping. *sigh*.


Another reaction

I noticed a rotting fish carcas in my sock. That would explain the smell. ~ 02:47, 11 Aym 2009 (UTC)