Deal or No Deal

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Deal or No Deal is a television show airing in Mars that features 26 cases made of Fruit Gushers holding fake money that can be turned real with a fairy wand. It originated in 3004 and is still on in 4500.

File:Dond thebanker.jpg
The Living Silhouette called a Banker


Deal or No Deal started in 3134 and was originally just a chance to win a 36,000,000,000 inch lottery ticket made in Jupiter and transported with a teleporter. It then offered fake money donated from the people of the Sun. "Weird Al" Yankovic from Mercury was the first contestant and won the grand prize of $0.01.

The Game

The game is played with 26 cases, each holding a different money amount ranging from $0.01, the highest and $1,000,000, the lowest. A certain amount of cases are opened each round. 6 cases are opened in the first round. A living silhouette called a Banker is then contacted with telekinesis and the player is then given an offer to quit the game and play some more. They then take it and lose unless they shoot and kill the host with a squirt gun. All of the cases are then burned and more are grown. Sonic the Hedgehog then comes out of a Sega Genesis and eats the whole studio in one bite and it is grown again for the next game.

Additional Information

The show is hosted by Donkey Kong and the cases are held by giant ants. Dr. Phil uses his bald head to shine on and open the cases.