Delete this page!

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File:Trash stamp.png

Hey! Some admin person! READ THIS! Hell, yeah, I got yuo to look! Penis! And by the way, Go ahead and delete this page! I dare ya!

Delete me!

Hey admin! Over here! Yeah, you. Look, this article sis soo stupid that you should delete it! You bet. Just delete it! It is begging for it. Devour it. It deserves it. Great things never get deleted, but this isn't great! So DELETE ME!

Come on, I'll pay you! How much do you want? $9000? That sure sounds like a good deal to me. So delete me. I am open for deletion. It is so simple. Chuck me! Throw me away. I am trash! Gah!

How come you have gotten this far without deleting me yet? TELL ME!

DO IT!!!!!11!!!one!111

I even had to use that stupid thing with the ones as exclamation points. Is that enough!?! OK, all you have to do now is delete it. It is easy. Delete me, you are happy. Don't, live the rest of your life with regret and kill yourself later. So how does that sound? I think you should delete me. It is really easy. So DO IT! Just rad this sections header. DO IT, BABY! YEAH!

How much more do I have to beg you? Let's see a list of why this article sucks:

Obscure Sexual References without links?

penis penis penis pensi penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis!


No fucking way, biatch!

Better than Youtube

There is no way that's possible!

Links to random articles?

You can count on it!

Improper grammar and spelling?

dued, U R 5o dumb, n00b!!!1!!111!

More than three words in a sentence?


Quality idea and implementation?

What the fuck does implement mean?

See that paper? That's this article!

Admins not deleting it?

If they got this far!

Public Opinion

Even the public is ranting about how you should delete this page. Let's check out the testimonials:

“Sounds like a worthy cause.”

- Person on on deleting this page

“I would do it for the money.”

- Anonymous on on Deleting this page


- Duck on on this article

“Uhhh.. kick me?”

- Football on on this page

Is that enough?

If you aren't convinced I will stab you. And kill your family and friends. And eat your dog. Stop being so stupid and delete this page now! Don't make me say please! That would make me look like a sissy. So delete it. Now!

You should get this over with and delete the page. How hard is that? Plus, This article breaks some rules. his article is the most shitty fucking article fucking ever yeah!!!!!!!!!! See? Unappropriate.

That's it

If you don't delete this page now, I'm going to stop whining. SO just fucking do it!!!!!!!!

Still whining

Yep, you betcha! DELETE ME DELETE ME!!!!!!!!

I won't ever stop! NEVER! And then My nose will felled off-ish! <--WTF?