Duncan's Closet

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Duncan's Closet is where they all hide. THEM! They're all in there! The....the....gargantuan evil space monkeys from Alaska! Or gays. Whatever you want, makes no difference to me really.

Gargantuan evil space monkeys from outer space

But they're in there! It's scary! It's like watching a centipede being raped, except instead of a centipede it's a gargantuan evil space monkey from outer space and instead of rape it's not rape. So, uh, it's not at all like watching a centipede being raped.


They're in there, and they're trying to get me! THEY WANT TO RAPE ME! And this time it is rape! Except instead of a centipede, it's a millipede. And instead of rape it's rape. WAIT A MINUTE! It's rape! And it's HUGE rape!


Shut up you retard. This is no time for hilarity! AIDS isn't funny, and neither is this! Duncan's Closet is coming for me! I mean the monkeys in Duncan's Closet! NO DON'T OPEN IT YOU -!


Shit. Do you see what you do? Do you see what you do when you exist?

Now I'm dead. And it's all because you opened Duncan's Closet.


Now I don't get to have all the fun with the gays! They're playing Cola Pong and smoking Pixie Stix! Such wholesome folk. Not at all like the

Gargantuan evil space monkeys from outer space, redux


Wait, why did I just say redux?
