Fish and chips

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Fish and chips being eaten by her majesty the Bean, who rules over Beanland.

Fish and chips is when an amalgamation of fishium and chippenworth occurs, as expressed by the following needless equation:

Why fish decided to join chips in the first plaice. LOL I did a funny, gettit? Place, plaice?

Fish met chips in a cafe in downtown France. The year was 1948 and dancing money was getting scarce so they both combined to make a fierce business partnership.

To get past their final obstacle which was a giant obstacle they had to drop an even bigger obstacle on that obstacle to make it obsolete.

Then they both fell down a fry hole which turned them both into batter. As the story goes a passing fat man reached into the fry hole and sampled this delicious new treat. He decided to call it batterbread funksome but it was renamed after the thought police thought it had Nazi subliminal messages in it.

Fish v. chips

Chips win, of course.