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“If you're happy and you know it, clap your...is that a gun? Oh, no. I'M SORRY, I DIDN'T MEAN IT!”

- a purple dinosaur on on being happy

“Happy? Is that an emotion?”

- a random sciency dude on on being happy

“Most people feel 'happy'. But not the sciency dudes! Oh, noooooo, they have no emotion, none! The jerks! The selfish, insolent (bleeping noise)!”

- sciency dude's wife on on the sciency dude

“I'm quite happy but then again maybe I'm not as happy, it's deep this happiness thing, deep like my gangrenous wounds ”

- Dying war casualty on pondering his level of happiness whilst looking at his body as rigor-mortis sets in

“A lot of people are dying recently but don't worry - I'm not, and I'll be here to love myself for many years to come so be happy”

- user:Testostereich on Self glorifying himself through the medium of dance

“You're sad? I STEAL YOUR SADNESS! Look, now you're happy!”

- User:TheOddity on on you being happy

If you're happy and you know it...


Here's a little song I wrote

And I'm gonna sing it note for note. Don't worry, beat Fatty.

Scientific Studies on Happy

Science has shown being happy increases happiness. In a study two bajillion million fillion seconds ago, scientists tickled each other, only to realize that being happy increased happiness levels. They proceeded to prove it by tickling plant cells.