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- A Harmonica on 's critical viewpoint of the Bush Adminsitration

Invented in the late 1400s by Francis E. Dec, Harmonicas quickly rose to prominence, becoming the first musical instrument to win at everything. They're rriced anywhere from $2,999,999 to $99,000,122,455 but can sometimes be picked up for free in special editions of the Illogic Times.


Harmonicas are extremely useful creatures.

  • When physically agitated, they create a noise that many have harnessed to control minds.
  • There are several medical uses, such as use as a defibrillator, catheter, and musically lifting the mood for patients with days to live.
  • Often, they are used as weapons, commonly for defense against inferior instruments, such as the cello.
  • They can be used to tame several varieties of wildflower.
  • They sort-of count towards your five a day.

See Also