I eat children for breakfast

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I eat children for breakfast.

Do you know why? Because they taste good.


Do you eat children for breakfast?

I do. Do you?

No you don't. Then do now!

Comes in 2 different flavors. Tasty and tough.

Tough as in fat kids who go to McDonald's everyday and barf up blood. That sort of kind.

They do not taste good.

Not, I say!

Do you eat children for lunch?

I do. Do you?

No you don't. Then do now!

Comes in 2 different flavors. With lunch money and without.

Without as in "my money has been stolen by bandits on the highway who eat children for breakfast". That sort of kind.

They do not taste good.

Because there is no spoon!

Do you eat children for dinner?

I do. Do you?

No you don't. Then do now!

Comes in 2 different flavors. Batman and Robin.

Robin as in bird pie, the one in the twits with no life by Ronald Darl. Or was that Roald Dahlia. I can never tell. That sort of kind.

They do not taste good.

Because Robin is an ugly hobo.

Do you eat children for supper?

I do. Do you?

No you don't. Then do now!

Comes in 2 different flavors. I eat supper and i dont eat supper.

I don't eat supper as in becuase I don't, I'm too sleepy, I've been drugged by Michael Jackson, the scary man from Yugoslavia who wants to eat me for supper. That sort of kind.

They do not taste good.

Because Michael Jackson has already touched them. Would you eat someone else's food? Touche!

Do you eat children for after-supper?

I do. Do you?

No you don't. Then do now!

Comes in 2 different flavours. That's how you spell it in British. Flavours. Yes. Indeed. After-supper and WTH is that?

WTH is that as in i seriously don't know, man. Whadda hell is that kind of stuff? Does after supper even exist because if it did i don't have time for your stupid games. That sort of kind.

Thye do not taste good.

Shun the unbelievers!

Do you eat children for Morning Tea?

I do. Do you?

No you don't. Then do now!

Comes in 2 different flavories! tea sippers and coffee sippers.

Coffee sippers as in the kids who think their role model is a very retarded squirrel from the movie Over the edge. Or was that hedge? Oh well, they think they can stop time. No they can't. Only Iron Man can....Or can he? That sort of kind.

They do not taste good.

Because you can't eat Iron Man.

Do you eat children for just before breakfast?

No. I'm too full now. I have indigestion.