I have got a story to tell

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I have got a story to tell. I've told it many times; I know it so well. It's the story of my childhood and the impacts it had on North Korean politics.

So there I was

Doing my whole being a kid thing, ya know, pretending I was the Terminator. Then suddenly, I got a plan! A plan on how to cure cancer and make the world a better place and all that other good stuff! But then I saw something shiny and got distracted. The shiny thing was a pretty penny. I shoved it up my nose. It felt good.

Then I remembered my plan. Sadly, I was still unable to exact it as I was brisked away to the hospital by my mum because she saw me shove that gorgeous penny right up my nose.

Once the doctor got the damn coin out of my nose

I was able to go home. Also, the doctor gave me a lollipop!! It was delicious. Kim Jong-Il found out about this and became an oppressive dictator.

He was so mad.